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[原創] 德國首都沐足

原帖由 7-siu 於 2010-7-28 12:36 發表

As I see you are a "Newbie", give you an advice.

How dare you go to Saunna now ? Ready $10,000 in the pocket to pay for your lodging and food in the 臭格, and tell a friend in advance that you ...
I am also a Newbie, I want to ask if HKer had been caught by KO, even his pocket has enough momey for the fine, he still need to ask his friend to get him out of the 臭格 ????
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


原帖由 robertchan 於 2010-8-4 13:09 發表
It depends, whether your "friend" is powerful enough or not.
Don't ring me if you are caught by KO.   
ho ... hooooo ... thanks for your reply ...
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


原帖由 strange 於 2010-8-5 21:02 發表
Ha Ha, I will be happy to help if you  Robert ring me for help.
ho ... hoooo ... you are real friend ... at least more real than R ching
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


原帖由 法比 於 2010-8-5 23:51 發表
其實CA 好多沐足都係巧立明目架啦!! D乜式物式!! 到最後咪又係打飛茲!!!
咁 都 唔係 丫, 學 島主 話 齋,
招式 無錯 係 得 一招, 不過  一招中 又有 七十二路 變化 喎
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


原帖由 nkids 於 2010-8-8 03:23 發表
i wish to go that city very much
Don't just wish la, you should take action ma !
It is not hard to go there ... take action la, but it is storming.
So be careful, but keep going ...
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆




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