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[建議] 北京近況

原帖由 Doer再見各位 於 2010-8-4 08:59 發表
Never trust those business card for massage service in Beijing! They are all cheating people!
1. when the girl arrive in your room, they will ask for money first (200-300, or even 700-800)
2. then she will find an excuse to go "downstair" to get something from the boss, ask you to wait for a second
3. of course, she will disappear and when you dial the number, nobody will answer
4. for most of the HK customer, they will just keep silence and treat it as a bad luck only
5. if you really call the police or try to do something to arrest them, the girl will defense herself that she was providing pure massage service and you try to rape her and put you in trouble.
You may refuse to pay money before service, I think it is not wise to pay money in advance.
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


原帖由 sweetlove 於 2010-7-14 15:08 發表
Just back from Beijing. Tried from an agent for 2 consecutive evenings.
First evening: okay, not good looking, but skillful. Told the agent what I like
Second evening: good looking, slim, very gf fe ...
Thx for detailed report.
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆




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