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各位c hing, 另一間centre有好野, D相仲post埋上網, 經本人證實, 第3, 4, 6, 7, 10確有其人; 而4, 7同真人冇乜大差別, 我剩係試左7號, 服務幾好, 態度認真, 又溫柔, 開放得黎又有gf feel. 不過各花入各眼, 同埋睇下你同個技師溝通成點, 雙方互冧就好有可能有運行!
可以搵小婉1316@0009@1 QQ64%637487


原帖由 awanker 於 2008-4-20 12:18 發表
I've been approached by one of the agent who wants to look at what's on the being talked about in this thread. Obviously the easiest thing is to send her the link with IP address so she can look at ...
i prefer not, c hing. don't wanna the girls know much what we've been doing. tks~


原帖由 awanker 於 2008-4-22 23:01 發表
hate to say this but check this out:

we are penetrated.
seems that the spy fled in a flurry

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-4-23 10:54 編輯 ]


原帖由 Challenger 於 2008-4-22 08:53 發表

C-Hing, 咁你同7號仔溝通得好唔好?

你只提3, 4, 6, 7, 10都真有其人,咁係咪其他嘅都係stock photo? 我想試下8號噃! 老兄有冇見過3, 4, 6, 10? 只有4, 7 係同相差唔多? 其他 ...
同7號仔梗係溝通得好啦, 只要有DD誠懇加埋嘴頭, 一般都可以去得盡D; 之前仲有幾次FOC過添, 不過係熟D既技師.
我話確有其人, 係CS俾我响webcam度睇過, 8仔實在點樣, ching你自己撞彩囉~


原帖由 fatboyboy 於 2008-4-13 20:34 發表
Just tried that beauty from Yuen Yuen as suggested here. Personally I agree that she was one of the most beautiful gal I seen from those call in service. However, I will say her attitude is just so ...
that beauty had quitted already. and i don't even have a chance to try yet....


原帖由 27741644 於 2008-5-5 22:01 發表
Hi Lao Jing Hu, got confused here. Is Yuanyuan= ANAN? if not, what is Yuanyuan's mobile please?  and what is this beauty's name please? I searched the thread, but could not find YuanYuan's mobile.  ...
hohoho, yuan yuan & anan are different agents. yuan yuan's mobile: 1%800%%3331
and too bad that u come too late, that beauty 小燕 is taking a leave for a surgery. might report to work soon or never. yuan yuan told me she has several new bgs now and are as good as 小燕. find it out ursellf~


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-9 03:06 發表

Sorry brothers, it was a busy day and I have to stay office till 11:45pm. But don’t want to make you guys disappointed, so just try my best…...

I will omit not related stuff to cut it sh ...
expecting your part 2, pal~


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-14 15:42 發表
Day 2 in Shanghai

The second day, I was stay in hotel room most of time to prepare meeting material, but I contacted the agent who recommended by brother Doer, unfortunately, Tony was not in the ...
had been waiting for your updating report for days, pal~



日前在滬  經小婉安排一江蘇mm  全新人  我竟是她下海的第一位客人  樣貌娟秀身材平庸  服務生疏但態度可人 並需本人多方教導  感覺亦頗特殊有趣  事後發工資  mm竟開口:

"可不可以多給我一些? 我想捐錢給災區 但是剛出來當技師 錢又很少..."

雖然本人早就透過宣明會捐了不少給緬甸和四川災民 但難得見這mm有這想法  就多給5百  讓bg也能參與為善


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-20 01:33 發表

I just want to share my experience with brothers who read this forum, hope you guys enjoy it. Not to surprise you, I dated 小雪 again on the day I leaving SH, will include it to the next part ...



岩岩去過上海, 老友介紹個agent係我以前未試過既, 兩晚都經佢安排, service相當好, 問得好清楚我要D乜女, 又識得暗示有冇得搞野, 所講既點靚法, 點身材, 點"開放", 都同上門bg好接近, 證明冇吹水, 幾掂~

第一晚黎個1米65江蘇妹, 身材真係幾好, 樣算中上, 又相當"大方"   pilot手法溫柔得黎非常純熟, 搞左好耐見未夠鐘, 識得換換方式等我回回氣再繼續, 最後係頭埋酥胸既情況下完工, 抵讚!

囡囡一走, agent路路既短訊就到, 問服務得唔得, 仲請我評分添   咁既after service真係難得~

第二晚既係湖北妹, 除左樣好身材正之外, 仲幾性感嫵媚, 又活潑又火辣, 可惜auntie黎, 如果唔係一定同佢傾傾點再幫補下佢家用

呢個agent值得推薦, 巴打自己撞撞彩囉~
13%6479%7OO  QQ%4O%%%96

噢, 唔記得左話俾大家聽係有uniform揀既, 我就分別揀左呢兩套, 因為動作方便ㄚ嘛

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-5-30 12:53 編輯 ]
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件, 請嘗試多貼文章獲取積分,積分超過 120 或特定用戶組方可查看.


原帖由 antivirus 於 2008-5-30 10:04 發表
Very interesting...is the price range similar to those offered by Anan...etc?

standard charges  260+taxi
原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-5-30 11:00 發表

the uniform is so sexy.  Would they wear this when they go into the hotel? It must attact a lot of attention.

besides, your number seems missing one digit..
of course not, bros. she got changed when she was in my hotel room. most important is that the uniform is clean and "convenient".

sorry about the tel no. should be 13%6479%700

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-5-30 12:57 編輯 ]



有急事即日來回上左上海交sample俾客, 下晝冇野做, 响莘庄D山卡拉地方唔知點捱到九點上機, 打電話俾一個好耐冇搵既agent, 之前係叫上門既, 今次佢叫我去佢地"會所", 收費同上門一樣, 260/90min, 聯絡好之後到左一個小區, 一個都算唔錯既技師落黎接我, 上到去就係一間屋企, 幾乾淨企理, 去浴室沖完涼(自己沖)只著浴袍入房, 大床, 柔和光線, 仲點住香薰添.

技師入房, 咦? 唔係頭先個位, 係一個更靚既著住條吊帶厘士短裙.....又會咁正!!!!?

呢位樣好靚既技師, 係四川高妹, 水汪汪大眼, 瓜子面, 167cm, 33B細DD, 22歲, 白淨, 長腿, 完全冇D贅肉, 身型好靚, 已經沉左一半船啦~~~

所有服務都相當好, 但係呢位囡囡就令我暈晒大浪, 聲線好甜, 個性算幾活潑外向, 同佢傾得好開心, 腎療既時候我抱住佢, 冇格手, 互相廝磨, gf feel到無倫....已經約定左月中再去上海搵佢...

佢地都有上門服務, 到市區遠左D, 夜晚車費可能就多小小, 同agent傾傾有冇黑車接送就得.

可以搵150019^1^42淨兒安排; 各位 ching, 唔該對呢位四川妹妹好D斯文D, 佢真係唔錯架, 等佢做得長D, 我都可以搵多幾次

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-6-2 12:09 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 香薰


原帖由 kiddo_sh 於 2008-6-2 20:24 發表
Brother, sounds very good.  莘庄 is a bit far, but well worth to try arh.
What her name ley?  just don't want to be confused with others.  8-)
just call 淨兒 & appoint this bg 晴晴 to go to your hotel elsewhere


原帖由 kiddo_sh 於 2008-6-4 00:24 發表
Just called 淨兒 tonight, and went to the "club".  It is as brother said, a common appartment.  I asked for 晴晴 before I went, and 淨兒 said ok.  The funny thing is, the 晴晴 who came to ...
my mistake. the bg is actually from wuhan. quite pretty, right? i doubt her 34C breasts as i hv confidence in my hand & mouth measurement, hahaha~


原帖由 billq 於 2008-6-6 09:12 發表
老江湖 兄,
couldn't access. if u r talking about lotus, then yes. pure & expensive one.


原帖由 billq 於 2008-6-7 09:45 發表

I don't know about Lotus, do u have their contact info?  I just found this on the internet, so i just want 2 c if u have try it or not.  Anyway, thanks for ur reply la!
those are vegi ones. i prefer these privates, yet obtain massage licenses, which might provide hj or even full course.


原帖由 bb1218 於 2008-6-10 19:09 發表
老江湖 兄

I will visit Shanghai coming Sat for 6 nights for business.

Could you please PM me the best agent & BG contacts?


Highly appreciate of your suggesti ...
updating avowedly is fine:
Anan: 13%2430%793  bg: 燕子, 小葉
路路: 13%6479%700   bg: 小青, 小林
淨兒: 1%001961642   bg: 晴晴, 小倩
hv fun~
i'm going on monday as well. will try some more new bgs & report.


原帖由 kiddo_sh 於 2008-6-17 20:44 發表

Last time I was talking about calling 路路, but changed my mind at last minute (don't want to risk).  Instead I called 安安.  Short chat with her is always nice, she is kinda funny but y ...
just returned from sh. 金金's good but won't be working there in a few months time. so be quick, pal~  anan arranged 小葉 for me this time whom is mature yet cute. nice looking, small boobs, very professional & open(in every way), also good at seduction. skin is smooth in her T-back & bra only.  surely a good "partner".


原帖由 hsikichen 於 2008-6-17 02:49 發表
hi bros..
it is a shame that i never read thread while im in shanghai...XD
if any of bros care to enlighten me....i would like to know that hotel i stayed while im there...
it is called "ho ...
don't worry, pal. in-call service is popular & safe in sh. i don't think holiday inn management would take the risk to do such arrangement for u. just call the bgs by urself.


原帖由 bb1218 於 2008-6-21 13:03 發表
During my trip this week, like to share somthing with you guys.

This my first time in Shanghai and there were funs within this city.

1st night KTV - crazy place in down town (Shanghai Palace) ...
hoho, u bet~  小葉 has sn experience & is very easy going.
why 360 for 晴晴? included taxi fare? all bros pls claim u are from hk & this agent would collect 40 only within puxi.

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-6-22 14:08 編輯 ]


recommend another agent: 夢欣  1580189&&03  she has on call as well as club house services. the bg who came to my hotel room was from chongqing. 22 yrs old, 167cm with good figure, white, sexy,quite open, and a perfect hj.

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-7-1 12:37 編輯 ]


anything is legal as far as you pay, hohoho~

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-7-29 01:02 編輯 ]


原帖由 wewe08 於 2008-8-2 01:55 發表
Hi 老江湖,

I will vist BJ and SH on Sep do you have any number for Beijing and Shanghai for full service? And How much will it cost for Beijing and Shanghai?

Thanks 老江湖,
上門按摩風平浪靜  照上樓  搵agent葉子  1#818#82972  QQ7#6#970#2  佢個BG佳佳  活潑開朗型  幾"開放"  165cm/47kg  身材惹火  22歲  按+hj=260  有冇全套就睇運氣同c hing你嘴頭啦  肯做個D都公價7~800

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-8-4 00:50 編輯 ]


原帖由 KOTO 於 2008-8-11 22:31 發表
now in shanghai waiting for bg
which agent arranged the bg for u? expecting ur report~




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