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[原創] Toronto 16 Dec 6-8pm Dinner + BJ (詳情請按內參考)

This hk_pussy 好識心理戰. Always using some 神祕tricks去固弄玄虛. Certainly, some麻nut佬會不惜金錢to find out how she looks, 就算係做左老襯都會死撐話worthwhile. If you can communicate with a professional escort in Toronto, the price is more or less the same but the quality I believe will be way better. If she is so confident with herself, why not work as a part time escort with some local agents. I am sure she realise she can't share a fraction of the market in the escort services with her own quality and regulations and therefore just staying with the Chinese community.

好抱協, I might have said something I shouldn't. Anyway, it is a free world and also a free trade world.


原帖由 lich13 於 2007-12-20 00:58 發表

nah.. i'll introduce a jap to u and u guys leave apple foe me. HA.

It's a fair deal,rite?
Hey, this is the thread from hk_pussy. Should we switch back to the Toronto Man thread?? 你當佢冇到, 係佢條thread到講Apple & Jap, 真係唔知law境定增興.

相關搜索目錄: Switch




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