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I tried 2 times. The first time they get me a middle BG and a little fat. Since it's mid night I let it go and then I get a 50 cash coupon for next time trial. However, when they need to charge return txai fee, it's gonna expensive.

Next night, I was attracted by that 50 cash coupon and thus call again. I complain on last time experience and then they promised to send a young gal. That gal arrived is OK young but the look is just so so. However, her service is not good when compare with the last gal.

So it's really a disappointment! Either you get a middle gal or you get a bad service gal!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-11-6 04:32 發表
安安幫大家整左個技師表, 自己搵o岩口味既食囉喂~

技師 年齡 原籍   身高 漂亮度 區域        特徵
羅羅  19  安徽   160        ----    閘北        小巧可愛活潑開朗
果果  24  廣東   167   8/10   普陀        時尚型態度素質佳
思 ...
Hi bro, I have tried Lolo last night, she is young but the service is just so so. And she left in 60 minutes. And during her service, she show that she is tired and do not massage weill at all.

If I am looking for one who can provide a better service, of course with a nice face and more open, who will you recommend?


原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-11-7 04:24 發表

小張, but she is on leave now. anan recommends 思琪 whom i hvn't tried. good luck, pal~
Dear Bro, I tried again last night and experienced another really very disppointed experience. I talked on the phone and described very clear with the agent ANAN on my request. This time she arranged Jenny to serve me whom I think should be great as I remember the comments from Doer.

However, I am extrememly disappointed on this time. The massage skill of Jenny is good, but when she turn me around. She told me that she's a part time and thus no HJ will be provided unless I gave another 300 tips.

Jesus, in the middle of the process. What else can I choose, I agree on that painfully and she gave me a very quick shot, damn!

And then in 45 min, she left. Leaving me with regret.

I called Anan to make my complain although I know it's useless. And I would say Anan's attitude is good and service is good. I am not sure whether it's problem with that Jenny in particular or I am just stupid to believe her. Anan promised to give me a big discount next time, but I really wonder if I want a next time anymore!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-11-9 01:10 發表
各位C Hing: 知道這件事後, 本人非常生氣!
1. 上海call鐘上門按摩只要有腎療或前列腺按摩的, 本來就包括HJ(她們美名為"釋放")
2. 據知每一家"健康中心"都禁止技師主動強索小費 (除非技師私 ...
Dear Bro,

Thanks for your concern. Be honest, I feel the sincerity of Anan during the phone so I am not complaining her.

And be honest, I don't mind money so much so I just gave that Jenny the amount, to avoiding any unhappy experience.

The reason for posting is to alert other bros on the attitude of these 2 BGs and so will not suffer my same experience.

And for Anan, I think I may call her once more next time when I go SH.


Last week I went to Shanghai again and called Anan for the compensation she promised last time.

And I am glad that she do remember my complain last time and has arranged a new gal to serve me. Be honest, that new gal is not a very beautiful gal but is nice and providing really good service. And they did keep the promise and charged me a 20% off plus no need to pay for taxi.

At the end, the gal really give me a good service and I decided to add another 2 hours, plus giving her some extra tips. Although I still pay about 500 at total, but I do feel good this time as everything is well agreed and I have got a real GOOD service. (details not disclosed la)

Sometimes, one just not really care about paying 300 or 400, but at least those gal need to make us feel worthwhile for the service ma!
  • JM168 體力 +10 我很贊同 2007-12-17 16:11
  • JM168 威望 +10 我很贊同 2007-12-17 16:11


Just tried that beauty from Yuen Yuen as suggested here. Personally I agree that she was one of the most beautiful gal I seen from those call in service. However, I will say her attitude is just so so, not as good as expected for 400 service.

Besides, also tried Anan again, and agree that her service and attitude keep a very good level.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-4-19 14:59 發表

u said "again", which bg u had tried?
ho ho, I tried 小甜 that time, I agree she has a good figure and looks attractive, and she's quite good in manner. The only disappointment is that she asked for tips for touching her Mimi! But overall the other is more than satisfactory.








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