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[疑難] 這是甚麼建築物?

What is it's English name?


原帖由 dorothytiffany 於 2007-12-5 15:39 發表

It is  Walsh Hall as shown on the photo (handwritten). If you can throw some lights on this building, that would be great!
What's are the other words written on the photo? I could hardly see them. Is it "Walsh Hall & Co."? And the word/line below it?

Are you sure the photo was taken in Hong Kong? Other than the person who looks like a farmer in front of the building(Chinese? Korean? Japanese? Vietnamese?) sitting, it is hard to tell where geographical area the photo was taken.  Also it looks like there is a crucifix on top of the roof of the building in front, would the building be religion related, some kind of church or priest's residence?

[ 本帖最後由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-6 10:51 編輯 ]


Having looked at it closely, I think the writing is "Walsh, Hall & Co's bungalow".  A Walsh Hall & Co. did exist in Japan in 19th century. From the outfit of the farmer on the photo, I think he could be a Japanese also.  My guess the photo was taken in Japan and not Hong Kong. Here is the info I found from the Net about the company.

Walsh Hall & Co. ウォルシュ・ホール商会, an American trading firm in Yokohama whose founders (Walsh brothers) produced paper in Japan (morphing into Mitsubishi Paper Mills).




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