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[原創] Toronto 16 Dec 6-8pm Dinner + BJ (詳情請按內參考)

原帖由 紋次郎 於 2007-12-18 02:48 發表
This hk_pussy 好識心理戰. Always using some 神祕tricks去固弄玄虛. Certainly, some麻nut佬會不惜金錢to find out how she looks, 就算係做左老襯都會死撐話worthwhile. If you can commun ...
I agreed the comment from most of the brothers who really met her, she is a smart girl and she knows what she is doing and her goal. It is up to  brothers what kind of girls they look for. Yes, I met her and price is high, the section was smooth and expected. In my stage, I enjoin quality then quantity. its a free world and everyone's value is different. So "做左老襯都會死撐話worthwhile" is we are with different value. I wish my comment will reflect some of the 老襯 brother's feeling and agree with me.


原帖由 RCMP 於 2007-12-19 06:42 發表

I got the impression that Bros are not allow to write


let us not forget what this Forum is all ab ...
It is not true Bros are not allow to write, but it seems bros who met her with certain respect on her including me. I like to explore but everyone's expectation will be different.




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