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¦^´_ #11 Xavior ªº©«¤l

Relationship with ÉÆÉÆ is always a emotional rollarcoaster isn't it?  You need to a big heart to withstand the ups and downs.

It's not going to be easy to have ¨k¤l®ð´n.  You will probably end up hiding your emotion which is tough on yourself.


­ì©«¥Ñ Xavior ©ó 2007-10-9 20:57 µoªí
I told u before...she deserves me to serve her, to comfort her as she likes....

Even she looks tough, she is vulnerable...and I have to protect her when I am being with her!
Brother X, don't take this the wrong way and I think all men want to be the prince to save/protect/serve/comfort the princess they love, no matter or not the girls deserve them or are vulnerable.  Sometimes girls can take this to their full advantages and really know how to manipulate their men.

I say men are more vulnerable than women.

¤H¤Ó过·P±¡¥Î¨Æ¡A¤Ï¤w会¶Ë®`¨ì¦Û¤v, it's our ¦Ü©R¶Ë! sigh........


­ì©«¥Ñ Xavior ©ó 2007-10-10 08:28 µoªí
¨þ¨þ¡C¯uªº¦n¦×³Â.  My girl would never said that!!!


­ì©«¥Ñ Xavior ©ó 2007-10-10 08:16 µoªí

2. §Ú¥u«Y·Q¦n¦nªº,ºÉ¤ßºÉ¤Oªº¥h·R©O­Ó¤k¤H!Ä_Ä_­n§_Ä~Äò¯d¦b¿Dªù...¦o¦Û¦³¤À¼Æ!¦o³Ì²×´z¤°»ò¥X¸ô,·|´z§Ú¶Ü?ÉN¤H·|ª¾¹Dªº:-)
I admire your deep love for your Bobo, not everyone can do it and one must sacrifice and pain suffering quite a bit to do it.  If my girl do decide to stay in Macau and continue to work, I am not sure what I will do.  I am not ¤j¤è enough and don't have such big heart!


­ì©«¥Ñ Xavior ©ó 2007-10-12 19:14 µoªí


I am being with my Bobo Now...
Really can't stop thinking of her...

But no worry...

I can still concentrate my WORKS: ...
Wah...full clock wor! :-)


­ì©«¥Ñ leeayae ©ó 2007-10-12 23:23 µoªí

Wah...full clock wor! :-)
But of course worth every cents..


­ì©«¥Ñ FXO ©ó 2007-10-15 07:11 µoªí

§Ú¤@ª½³£¦³¼Ë³¥­ø©ú, ÁöµM·R¬O¥]®e, ¦ý­ø«Y¥]®e¨ì¥ô¦Û¤vªº·R¤H­Ú¤H¤W¨ö?  

Á¿¥y­ø¦nÅ¥, «Y¥ô¤H¿äÆn, ¦Û¤v±ø¤k­Ú¤H¿äÆn, ©ó¤ß¦ó§Ô§r? ¥i¥Hµø­YµL¸@?

­¦±¡©c·N¤§¤U, ÂI ...
It's a very difficult question to answer really, no men would want their girl to continue working....but is it fair to tell her to quit a high-paying job and be with you and get paid a fraction of they earned before?  What if you dump her in 3/6/9 months time, she lost her «C¬K and earning power and still got a mortgage and family to support?


­ì©«¥Ñ FXO ©ó 2007-10-16 07:10 µoªí

¦pªG§Ú¥h±oºÉ, ´N­ø·|¸Üµø­YµL¸@­¦¤ß¦pÅK, §Ú¥u·|¸Ü§Aon9­Ý²Â7, ©ÎªÌ¦n¦ü¨ä¥Lºô¤ÍËÝ, ©ç´x­Ý¥s¦n, ¥s§AÄ~Äò¼g¸¨¥h, ©ÎªÌ­ø¸Ó­Ú§A­¸¦ò¬J¤u§@¦aÂI¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ, µ¥§ÚÀ°§A¤â, À°§A9, ¶E¤UÊ\, ¸Ñ¨M¤UÊ\ªº°ÝÃD.  :give ...
I can only say that there are many kind of love, one man's definition of love is not the same as others...


­ì©«¥Ñ FXO ©ó 2007-10-16 14:24 µoªí

ÉALOVE¦³¦n¦hdefinition¬[?  ËÝÃä­Ódefinition¦nªº©O?


­ø­Ú¦Û¤v©Ò·Rªº¥ô¤H³½¦×©O­Ódefinition¦nªº ©wª¾¨ì¦Û¤v±ø¤k®É±`­Ú¤Hª±¦Ó¤£­p ...
If you think ÉÆÉƳß欢¥ô¤H³½¦× ©Î³ß欢­Ú¤Hª±ªº话, ¨º§A´N错¤F.  If that is true, there is no way anyone can love them...is that what you mean?

Majority of the ÉÆÉÆ is in this business for the money, not for fun.  If men can understand that,  I don't see why they cannot love them.. Of course it takes enormous amount of EQ to do that but it's not entirely impossible.

Do you have the financial resource to ­ø­ÚÉÆÉÆ°µ¤U¥h? Love in this case have nothing to do with it..right? If not, you can only ¤£­p¸û. No matter what, you need to respect their choice and their occupation.


Happy b-day and have fun with Bobo during the holiday!  My girl is leaving tomorrow and I know I will be very sad after..


­ì©«¥Ñ dizzc ©ó 2007-10-17 10:12 µoªí

¨ä¹ê¨Ó¨Ó¥h¥h³£«Y©Od°ÝÃD¬[°Õ, §Y«Y®a¤U­Ó§A¥ò«Yprobation°Õ, ¶X§A¥Í¤é, ªí²{¦nd, ¨p¦³­ÓªÚ¤ßµf¾¤
haha..good and meaningful reply!




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