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Wine lovers! pls come in!!


I am the young Dr who came last time. I am not very familar with Burgundy. Any suggestion for me to bring on 8/11/07? thanks


To dejavu2003, thank you very much for ur arrangment. 7 Nov is fine for me. For your blood pressure problem, drinking moderate amount of wine may protect from heart disease, but it does not lower BP.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


I am OK on 14 Nov!!


i will come, let me bring the dessert wine la!!

相關搜索目錄: Wine


i will bring Chateau Rieussec Sauternes 1989! see u all tmr!!


wow, tony, ur speed is really fast !! I like ur pic


Tai! you are so great!!


Mirepox is a nice place with descent food and good service. (haha, unfortunately, My hill of grace hasn't still arrived yet)  Really looking forward to our next wine and dine gathering.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Thank you very much. Please count me in. May I ask what's the focus of wine this time? (sorry I am too lazy to review the old threads) so that I can prepare and bring my wine.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Nice to meet all of you in the net, long time no see.! I am really longing for for that night. Just a humble question, is it too early to bring and open Domaine De la Janasse V.V. 2004? (I tried my best to search 2003 but seemed not available in most shops)


Thanks. 2003 should be better than 04, right? at least revealed by RP (though I know not many people here like RP much haha).

to Barton, I am waiting for your Beaucastel ^^Actually I do have a collection of Aus wine (e.g. Wolfbass black label) which could be drank (or drunk^o^) now, and I could bring it if you don't mind it doesnt suit the Rhone topic.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Thank you for all of your expert opinion.

to 可愛老頑童, don't worry, I can prepare an older Rhone, let me have another excuse for myself to buy more fine wine.  haha..

相關搜索目錄: Wine


sorry for my late reply

I am ok for both dates


I am ok on 30/1/08. see u all ye


Hi, it is me again. May I ask a new question (yet silly one, haha). Did anyone of us try all the 4th and 5th growh of Medoc. I recently tried one (Pontet canet 2000) but it was extremely disappointing.

To tailawyau, is it possible to bring the wine aroma kits, as we discussed last time. I really want to test my smell. Thanks.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


brother tai, thank you very much ar...


Thank you DJV and forgive for my late reply.

1a, 2b, 3a & 4b


btw, i will bring one bottle of Guigal hermitage 90


Thanks, DJV and all brothers/sisters. It is an enjoyable and relaxing night.


I will not be in HK on 28/3/08 but I dont mind I miss once if the date is suitable for most people.

to brother cia999, the pic is for all. Pls share with any other wine lovers if you dont mind the poor quality of the photo.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Is it allowed for me to bring one colleague (who is a pretty lady)?


4&5 Oncologist and his frd


hi, dear wine friends, long time not in this blog, I just want to confirm my attendance (I will bring my GF instead of my 'pretty' colleague) Is the topic of wine still focusing on Spanish or Portugal?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


I drank thae Alsace (bought from 可愛老頑童) Gewurztraminer SGN 89 tonite, excellent!


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2008-4-5 16:18 發表
98好丫, 家下有唔少啱時候飲架喇


又飲sgn??!! 仲要獨享??!!
Gewurztraminer 會更香更搶
無當晚支 pinot gris咁elegant
Yes ar..very intensive honey and spice taste...perfect match with foie gras and cheese that night...I also tried it with shrimp (cooked with black pepper). yummy

of course I drank with my GF haha


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