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Wine lovers! pls come in!!

Hi friends. It is me again. It is good to try some white wine. I will not be in HK in late May. I will be back to HK after 9 June 08

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2008-5-16 01:01 發表
我聽到有人話"個條友點解可以坐biz....係架" i won't goto US this year.! have a good trip! must wait for u for gathering, ok?!
No wor..I never said this wor...anyone who spread such kind of rumours between us haha

btw, i will go to the Margaux night arrnged by altaya next thursday...anyone will come?


hi, it is me, oncologist again. Long time no see coz I was not in HK previously. Please count me in next gathering.


Hey friends, I will be free on 10, 11 Jul  and 1 Aug.


I will bring my GF as well, so pls count me 2. btw, what is the topic of the wine, or do we bring any wine we like?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


So dear friends, what is the meeting time? is it ok to arrive ~7:30pm

to Kenzo, how are u. hope I can see u Aug la....


Thanks 老頑童 and Tai's arrangement, the d'Yquem really drives me crazy...yes the restaurant is nice with good food and service.


I am ok on 1 Aug 08 !! I will bring my GF again. thx


[quote]原帖由 barton 於 2008-8-3 23:35 發表
Yes, 100% correct! I (and Oncologist?) also want to buy 2 bottles of RWT if possible. Thanks.

Yes pls count me 3 (or 2 if it is not enough for distribution) Thanks.


both days are ok for me too..


May I humbly ask which 益新 are u refering to. Happy valley or Jardines?


Thanks. My GF and I can come 7:00pm. I plan to bring Lagrange 1999 or Le Gay (Pomerol) 2000. Which one do u guys prefer?


thank you dejavu for your information

last night was really exciting....thank you all for giving me a chance to taste so many good wine....

相關搜索目錄: Wine


I need to see whether I can make a scheduled annual leave. I cant confirm at this moment. I will try my best to arrange it.


I'd just been back to HK. I will confirm you on next Monday. Wish the best....

Hi Fellow, just wanna ask do you have any wine of vintage 1980 (which is available to sell me)? coz I am planning to buy one for celebration of my GF b'day this month. I tried a lot of wineshop but in vain.....

相關搜索目錄: Wine


9 Oct sounds a good day, I probably need to confirm in early Oct. Please wait for me!!

btw, thank you all of you kind help. I subsequently found a suitable wine to celebrate with her.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


My dear friends, I cannot apply leave on 9 Oct, please enjoy your Macau trip and share me your joy later.


My dear Friends, How's the trip today. Any good wine (or good experience) to share with us?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


wow...it really seems that I have missed a joyful meal wor!


Yes, when will be the next gathering...I am longing for it coz I missssssed the last one in Macau...


Both dates are ok to me.


Date: 12 Nov 2008
Venue: 客家爺爺 ?
Wine: (just casual meal, no specific is needed I think)

1. Barton
2. LWT
3. mrs LWT
4. Tai
5. Tai's friend
6.  dejavu
7.  dejauv and friend
8. Oncologist and Friend

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Date: 12 Nov 2008
Venue: 客家爺爺 ?
Wine: (just casual meal, no specific is needed I think)

1. Barton
2. LWT
3. mrs LWT
4. Tai
5. Tai's friend
6.  dejavu
7.  dejauv and friend
8. Oncologist
9. Oncologist's Friend

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Thank you for the arrangement. People and wine are the most important. My frd and I will be perfectly ok with the place. See u all.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


I am still thinking which wine to bring

Bahan Haut Brion 00 or

Pichon lalande 01

Which one do u guys prefer? Or shoud i may bring both..

相關搜索目錄: Wine




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