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原帖由 hudgefunder 於 2007-11-6 23:18 發表
覺得唔似 但又有DD似

Seems as long as there are some expectations for a further rate cut (Nov 07) and some hopes that the 'Thorough-Train' will one day depart, the HSI won't s ...
The Fed will continue to cut rate indeed.. hopefully to reflate the bubble and ward off recession at the expense of the USD and inflation...

Every indication point to that big global financial market earthquake seems imminent, i will be cautious indeed and wait for a forthcoming big correction...  any financial stocks is a big no for me (except China's maybe)...
If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a pine tree, worth $4,000-$5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?


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