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[原創] 緬甸僧侶反暴政示威及中國的反應........

原帖由 albtkl2006 於 2007-9-28 12:06 發表

This is a very naive point of view... actually the congression and the white house have been very cooperative to each other... time and again, they side with the corporate and the rich.. and fleece the ordinary citizens.. their allegiance is money and power.... there has been lots of talks about how useless the new congress has been.... only posture and talks but no substance... the new congress still keep funding the war, agree to the surge, no impeachment etc.... where is the supposed counterbalance?
If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a pine tree, worth $4,000-$5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?


原帖由 飛毛腿 於 2007-9-28 13:24 發表
洋大人講乜, 一眾不學無術之徒就吠乜

美國佬對日本在緬甸投資就隻 ...
Yeah.. i can see lots of noise and posturing from the West... the highly hypocritical and pretentious Western countries (e.g. US) shout louder and louder ... and appear even more self righteous...
does anyone see how hypocritical and fake this becomes? USA is the worst offender of all those "wrongs" they accuse of others doing but still they shout the loudest ...

dont get me wrong, i am not saying that the communist party is good or anything, they have lots of problems too... but i just find it kinda weird that the anything western seems so automatically appealingly good without even the slightest thought and factual analysis... the fact is they are as corrupt and brutal, if not more, as the communist party... just look at the massive genocide in the iraq war... for oil and power...

and if you want example of how the US is doing against their own citizens instead of iraqi, look up on the war on drug, and the taser nation, cop violence... US is fast becoming a police state.... and in many of aspect, they are worse than the situation in China...

[ 本帖最後由 hardcat 於 2007-9-29 11:59 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 投資
If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a pine tree, worth $4,000-$5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?


原帖由 albtkl2006 於 2007-9-29 13:15 發表

"theoretically", Yes they need their approval.. but the reality is that they are of the same rotten stuff.. so you dont see anything real and good get done.. thats why they have a new congress that makes no difference.. there were no effective/real counterbalance, it is more like business as usual... you need to see the real situation instead of the "theoretical" situation... theory can only gets you so far...

and Yes the american "votes" the democratic party to the congress... and apparently they are true democracy.. but this is an illusion.... you simply didnt realise the reality of the fact that there is not much difference between the democratic party and republican party.. they are both highly corrupted (except ron paul).. they way the system being implemented is rigged so that no matter which party you choose you dont get real democracy except democracy for the rich and the banker/corporate... and have you ever thought why there are only 2 parties to choose from?? and ever thought why it takes millions of dollar to even participate in the election...? then you can understand who can afford this much money to do that? ever heard of the widespread electronic voting machine fraud? thats why the so called democratic system in the USA is broken and an illusion... so it is more like you choose between "dictator A" and "dictator B" ... that maybe "better" than the chinese situation in the sense that they have an *illusion* of choices.. but the choices has long already been made by the few elite rulers...

This quote is enlightening: "None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."
No one is more enslaved than a slave who doesn't think they're enslaved.

[ 本帖最後由 hardcat 於 2007-9-30 11:48 編輯 ]
If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a pine tree, worth $4,000-$5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?




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