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Gentlemen, which thread now has the most current info, is it the old one (100 pages) or the new one which needs a lot of points to get into?  I have been following your writings and found the info very useful.



Thank you Bill4r c-hing.  I've read the >100 page thread from the start.  Its very good.  Thanks to all senior c-hings for a job well done.


Nice stories.  I wish I have a chance to do those girls.  I like mid-age c9.


To all c-hings,

From your postings, there really is no jap.girls in toronto.  So those occasional jap.girls ads in the newspaper are fake than.  Then are the KIAs real or fake?  If its hard to find jap. girls, why are there so many KIAs in the market?  I am really intereted in both japs and KIAs, but have not tried either.  The KIA in the kitchen, for example, is she real KIA?  Thanks c-hing for the information again.


Problems are:
1. How to find them,
2. I don't know japanese, how to test them,
3. Even if I learn a few words, by the time you got into a room ready for action, it'll be too late to test them.  I mean, even if the are fake, can you dare walk out?

Bro, please try to help.  I want to fuxx the sheet out of jap. girls.


Thanks bro MSZ.  What does the first 3 means?


Reddog c-hing, thanks for the info.  I am really interested in the downtown Korean town Karaoke house, where they have MM.  Can you tell me some of those places, with addresses please, and please tell me more about how these karaoke works.  Do they have MM there for you to pick, or are they amateurs, that you have to 'kau'?  If they are pro MM, how much are they, and where do you go to have fun?  Do the MM speak English?  Do they serve Chinese?  Thanks very much Reddog c-hing.


原帖由 紋次郎 於 2008-1-9 06:10 發表

Hey, deepminers, when are you going to Tokyo?? I will be there mid-February.  I have done some research already and planning to bust the Jap 為加拿大華人增光.
紋次郎 c-hing, I admire you so much.  I've never try a jap woman before.  I've been to Japan twice, but could not 'Steal Jump'.  Please write your experience when you are back, so us bros can 'look at the plums and quench the thirst'.  

Wishing you a good time in japan, and earn us Chinese guys some points.


原帖由 紋次郎 於 2008-1-11 12:56 發表

LinWanBob c-hing, years ago been to Japan and went to see the 真人show. が鶸up, 贏左就做主角. 我膽粗粗照上, 過三關俾我贏晒, 局住上台, 唔使識日文, 訓低俾條? 登陸如意島.  ...
C-hing, you are my hero.  I thought the japs don't entertain outsiders?  If I were you, I don't know if I can perform under such tremendous pressure.  Good job.

相關搜索目錄: 日文


原帖由 紋次郎 於 2008-1-11 12:56 發表

LinWanBob c-hing, years ago been to Japan and went to see the 真人show. が鶸up, 贏左就做主角. 我膽粗粗照上, 過三關俾我贏晒, 局住上台, 唔使識日文, 訓低俾條? 登陸如意島.  ...
C-hing, you are my hero.  I thought the japs don't entertain outsiders?  If I were you, I don't know if I can perform under such tremendous pressure.  Good job.

相關搜索目錄: 日文




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