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[檔案] 井底蛙遊踪之五 ---- CP HM SN (流水賬)

Hi icheng609,

After seeing your timetable today, it seems your plan will work perfectly for me. Since I am always free on Monday(my business is with U.S. client n it's Sunday there) n don't mind to start out 11AM n return by 5-6PM.

If there is any chance for me to join you , please PM me so I can send you my cell to contact. I am an easy going guy n won't cost you any trouble, but never been to those SN you  guys mentioned in CP.

Many thanks in advance.


Thanks for your advice n hope icheng 609 will reply me.
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-29 15:22 發表
Hey ac388, I think you'd better send PM to icheng609 to further discuss.  You're taking the risk of being accused for blowing horn, which is not allowed in this forum!!




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