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原帖由 WURTH 於 2007-12-19 15:07 發表
香港地, 讀書係一件苦差, 教細路都好困難.
但你可有想過, 內地山區成長既細路, 佢地好想讀書.
讀書對於佢地黎講, 係一件樂事之餘, 同時幫助佢地改善生活.

我做過一次 ...
Mr./Ms. Wurth, thanks for introducing the Sowers organization.  I actually found out about this organization a couple of years ago, when I was in Hong Kong, first, by its subway posters, and then, interestingly, when I travelled to 'Kwai Nin' (sorry I cannot type Chinese), one of the members in the travelling group was a volunteer working for Sowers.  I think her last name is Szeto, and to this date, I regret not getting her phone number while talking to her because I want to find out more about the organization and her volunteering work.  Perhaps, if you happen to know her, say hello to her for me (my name is Lam, from Toronto).  She might have forgotten about me.

Anyway, getting back to your posting.  You said there's still people who told their kids the organization is a scam.  Are these participants (to the Walk) who said that, or by some non-participants?  I am interested in participating in some of their events.  Due to my physical location and my work wchedule, I need to plan it well ahead and carefully.  I want to make sure it is worth the time and effort.  I appreciate if you can give me more information.

On the organization itslef, I have to say that I share their value and mission.  I bought a book this Spring when in Hong Kong, it's about their fund-raising walk to about 20 provinces in China.  The name of the book is something like 'The 10,000 Mile March'.  Again, I apologise for not able to type in Chinese.  I was deeply touched by those who participated.


原帖由 mark+gor 於 2007-12-21 13:01 發表
Try to translate the last paragraph for you.

在組織本身, 我想說, 我分享他們的價值和使命。我今年春天在香港買了一書, 它是關於在中國大約20 個省步行並進行募捐。書的名字是好像是三個月之萬里長征 我為不 ...
Really appreciate your accurate, proper and classy translation.  I admire your level of both languages.  I couldn't have written it better myself, even if I can type in Chinese.

Have you been involved in any of the Sowers events?  If so, can you share your experience?  I am making my annual trip to Hong Kong in March 08, but only for a couple of weeks.  BTW, thanks for the links to other charitable organizations.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to everyone.




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