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sorry every bro. what is bbbj? is there a lish i can know those term?


massage place

hi all bro. i like to go massage (those with happy ending of cus.)  better than 141. i usually go the one on denison...what about other bro ? any better place?


回復 #65 MJ45 的帖子

Is it just like those SN in hk ...shower ..Sauna room ...rest ....massage 1st part....happy ending 2nd part..i just enjoy the whole possce ..it just unlike 141 go in fuck and go....but of cus...this is like ....100for massage ..20 tips...5 locker guy...+ hj 60 ml120...total is like >200 ...just i like the whole good time ...with one or two friend ...chat b4 we go massage......i know is more $ ...but it is a whole good time..not just a 30 mins fuck...(of cus i still like 141 sometime ) every bro ..don't get me want i like 141 but if i can hold my snake for two time when i wanna go 141 ....i perfer SN law.....if any bro wanna go together pm me la....i shouldn't have too much BS here




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