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[桑拿浴室] 浪淘莎桑拿 (Sauna Lotto)

QQ & !! 都按內側按得比較深  但是不是否你們所講的前列線或3/4VAS.

Part 1 & 樣貌 QQ 比較好的.


回復 933# 的帖子

Who are they?  


Hk$200 is the max.  Don't mess up the market.


回復 1006# 的帖子

I know a few # provide VAs.
What # provide HJ stragiht away?


回復 1012# 的帖子

C Hing,  No worry la!


回復 1020# 的帖子

Do you know what number has gone because of providing VAS or HJ?

I'll miss them.


回復 1042# 的帖子

Is the BG quite tall and big in over size but face are not too good looking?


回復 1049# 的帖子

Is it all vegi, no VAS?


Long time no new update.  

Any C Hing has new & good recommendation?



We are all here to exchange information and have fun, so why we have to care the reaction of the Lotto's management.  We are actually do free advertisement for Lotto.  

Without any solid evident, I don't really think the management or manager of Lotto can fire a bg just based on the information from this forum.   I think those manager(s) already have good ideas of which bg does what, it is just a matter whether they want to any measure or not.

If I were the competitor of Lotto, I'll just come here everyday and quote different bg # every other day then Lotto have to fired all bg in a week time.


回復 1147# 的帖子

I basically agreed with you but on the other hand I believe which massage shop providing what service level is an open serect.  

For instant, only new hand borther dosen't know which shop in TST, Yamatie, Jordan and Mongkok is providing full service and which one offer HJ only. Frankly speaking, brothers with long enough experience in the massage world know well and I trust the Regluatory Officialdom knows better then all of us. In fact, there are a lot of discussion in this forum talking about those shops,  so VAS is nothing serious.

After all, this is the cyber world, information appear here could be true and most probably are false.  Wise guy should make their own judgement so we should not limit ourselves to have fun in the forum.


回復 1151# 的帖子

Sounds like you are one of the manager of Lotto.  Haha


Been there last week, not that terrible wow, towel still clean and didn't see any insect.




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