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[桑拿浴室] 皇室水療

原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-9-25 17:36 發表

My friend brought me to this sauna few years ago,
and he encountered a few funny stories in the resting
hall and pool area, which still in my memory now.   
A few years ago?Do you mean when it was still under the name 'Victoria'?


回復 26# 的帖子

boot boot hing,I remember going there for a number of times when it was under the name 'Victoria'.....the first few visits were pure massage only,I recall the place was still under renovation,but all in a sudden everything had changed in my last visit,new people,new plans(no more vegi).....then it got done by the police....sad.


回復 29# 的帖子

Boot-boot hing,
I felt strange of seeing a whole new group of people in my last visit,didnt expect anything but a vegi session UNTIL I walked into the room,the BG....wow.....then....Oh,oh......
Very sad that it got done by the police so quickly.
Good old memories,,,,,


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-9-26 13:51 發表

kkleung hing,

Yes, that's the world which would bring you good memories.   

However it was a pity that the game was over.     

One should enjoy himself  ...
Boot hing,well said,very well said.
200% agree,enjoy yourself while you can,why make your life hard when you have the resources to do/see nice and enjoyable things?You only live once.
Good evening.




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