原帖由 z888888 於 2008-4-15 13:44 發表
大家都有好大機會有高危既 HPV 係身wor
No No, most of hpv we infected are low risk type, don't worry too much, even high risk type is treatable and can suppressed by our immuse system within 2 years. Only a few percentage of people will develop to cancer, and it takes more than 10 years to develop. So if you have a girl friend or wife, she needs both the vaccine and annual Pap smear test or HPV DNA test.
In more than 90%of cases, the infections are harmless. But saying high risk type CAN"T casue Warts is totally wrong.
Because men can't do any test, that's why doctor can't prove is there any infection without any sympton
but we can do test on women's cervix and found out the existence of HPV but no symptons. That's why women need to have test.
Even when doctor found HPV (no symptons) on the cervix of a women when they developed to CIN1, they usually do nothing; watch and wait to see if the immune system can clear the virus. if not, their cells turns to CIN2 and CIN3, doctor will do an operation called LEEP to kill infected cell. Anita Mui was found in the Cancer stage(stage after CIN3) and died in cervical cancer. The time to develop from CIN1 to Cancer stage is more than ten years. She hasn't been tested and treated it lately.
Think about it, women suffers more than men while having HPV. They can't check by themselves like men. The chance having cancer are higher, therefore i believe that I 'll never go to play again, and it is not that hard to do (even I have or haven't got a girlfriend). I don't want to pass HPV to any one even to a sexual worker. Be good to women. Follows doctor's comment to have sex. If you still having warts and think you are recovered and in fact you may passed it to someone like the new brother here.
Anyway, don't worry too much about cancer, it is not often for men. Just keep in mind don't play again to collect different types of HPV. Be good.
P.S. Sorry, It's too difficult for me to tpe chinese
本帖最後由 AAV-2 於 2008-4-15 14:30 編輯 ]