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[原創] Today at Rainbow Sauna

今晚上左去試下, 平過ching講的少少, 9xx, 平就一定唔係平嫁啦, but我覺得given個場咁靚, 大冷熱池, 好多人serve你, 沖涼用品同按摩油全部名牌, Neutrogena, VERSACE, etc, 水池寶礦力任飲, 休息室好多生果同野食揀, 係可以接受的, 當然你可能話銀泉都係差唔多HARDWARE, but銀泉齋場嘛......on the other hand如果你唔care哩d配套service同HARDWARE, 或者一定要同澳門比的話就一定唔抵, 因為bg係比較保守的, at least我今日個個係,

首先我承認揀唔到ching recommend過的bg, such as GUCCI, ROSA, KITTY, CANDY個D, 因為經理無比我揀, 剩係問我受唔受力就幫我安排, 可能因為我係生客, 我都有問過佢CANDY重係唔係到, 經理話無做, 咁我就無問其他, 費事D料太OUTDATE好似好脫節咁.

經理幫我安排BG叫JOYCE, 樣OK的, 6.5-7分, PART 1 OK, 中上力但位唔太準, 7-7.5分, PART 2就麻麻地, R-PAT同R-袋 SKILL係OK的, HJ SKILL都OK, 但問題係佢連上面件POLO SHIRT都唔會除, 只可以隔衫同BRA摸, 下面就更加唔洗諗, 摸都唔得, 又唔會舔LIN, 我哩D被龍記BG縱壞左的梗係覺得無癮啦, 不過無計啦, 鬼叫自己唔主動D揀女咩, 我後尾問JOYCE佢話ROSA同GUCCI都有返.....

OVERALL JOYCE雖然係就係保守D, 不過服務態度係好的, 靜靜地唔會話一定要聊你講野(我鍾意靜BG), 但計返洗成千蚊連波皮都摸唔到, SERVICE同HARDWARE幾好都覺得唔抵, 下次如果電MARK到CHING RECOMMEND的BG的話, 還是會再來的

P.S 9XX係11點後價, 02:30就會截客, 所以太遲會食閉門羹


原帖由 happywkr 於 2009-8-28 10:44 發表

Thanks for your happy sharing, new customer normally will be referred the BG who worked less on that day!!  If could not mark the BG preferred, better ask for new BG.
you mean 新女 part 2 會多d野玩


原帖由 killingmesoftly 於 2009-9-25 20:53 發表

Are you kidding?  Touching them (I mean top and bottom) are almost mandatory.
no la, if you've read my report, some BGs are very conservative there, that's why i said you can't compare with 龍濤閣 when it comes to the general atittude of BGs, ofcourse it might only be my own unlucky experience, I will try once more later this week and book the recommended BG before I go.....


回復 526# 的帖子

in terms of hardware ofcourse


原帖由 DaiLiu 於 2009-10-4 23:59 發表
What do you mean by conservative?  I have been there many times and most are quite "open".  Which one did you try?
I tried Joyce


原帖由 ronald_wong 於 2009-10-5 14:31 發表
$120, around 30min, but the 師傅 is not always there at night


原帖由 lunglung99 於 2009-10-5 10:52 發表
i tried fanny la.......Big ball, pink, good service when HJ, voice sexy, my cup of tea..........but didn't provide ML.........maybe i am new customer for her...............any Ching tried ML with her? ...
when did you go, I tried to book her tonight but Jenny (manager) said that she had quit already


原帖由 DaiLiu 於 2009-10-4 23:59 發表
What do you mean by conservative?  I have been there many times and most are quite "open".  Which one did you try?
I tried Gucci tonight and finally she solved some of my doubts, although it's quite ridiculous.

After my unlucky experience with Joyce last time, I called before I go and booked Gucci (I wanted to book Fanny at first but she had quit), mainly wanted to try her 前列線 massage.

When I got into the room I was quite surprised to see that Gucci is actually quite old, I guess around mid 30s to 40, and not very pretty when compared with Joyce. OK  doesn't matter, I could tolerate that, 熄左燈都係咁.......

Part 1 is good, I must say, 雖然唔係好夠力, but 按d位幾準, then came Part II, the interesting part........

Part 2 she gave me the 前列線 massage, quite a new experience for me and it felt good and fun, gradually she shifted from 前列線 massage to HJ (no RPP, but it's fine for me cause I don't like being tickled), and then history repeats itself, Gucci didn't seem to have any incentive to take off her clothes. So obviously, it's not just Joyce's practice, I was too curious so I asked Gucci just like I asked Joyce last time.

ME: 你地公司唔比你地除衫?
GUCCI: 你之前做開唔係咁既咩?
ME: 我之前做過你個同事, 佢又係唔除衫, 我問佢佢同我講「梗係唔得」, 不過我已經做過research先黎, 好似唔係咁嫁?
GUCCI: 哈哈....其實呢因為我地哩度齋同HJ都係同一個價錢, 同埋個場比較高級, 所以唔係個個女仔都有HJ, 我地要估下個客想唔想搞先睇下點做, 驚放蛇, 因為公司一定唔會認數
ME: 下.....但係一開始就除晒褲喇....如果真係放蛇你中左嫁啦播, 齋場唔會除晒條褲
GUCCI: 係咩, 因為有時D客真係齋DUP同按前列線, 唔會HJ, 不過真係個個女仔尺度唔同, 我除唔除衫都係一時時
ME: 咁奇怪?
GUCCI: 我頭先見你無乜聲氣又正正經經咁, 所以先諗住求求其其搞惦, 不過你而家開聲, 我都希望個客開開心心咁走既, 我唔會蝦新客, 我地專心D喇.........

Finally, Gucci took off her clothes and bra, and switched to aggressive mode, she licked my lin and ears, I also licked hers, and she allowed me to grap her boops and finger dance outside her T-back, throughout the conversation Gucci's attitude was very good and nice so no complain, but her explaination just doesn't make any sense. Anyways, in conclusion, in order to have a satisfactory experience with BGs in Rainbow, one must first, read some report and know which BG provide what service, second, act horny and be interactive, or just ask directly about her service. Hope that other brothers won't encounter my experience.

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 DaiLiu 於 2010-2-2 17:30 發表
One of the big reasons why I keep going to Rainbow is because of the good service and the decent quality local BGs.  In HK, it is so difficult to find good local gals, i.e. born and raised here as opp ...
Any night/mid shift local BGs suggestions?




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