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4 days 3 night in CA and CP

4 days 3 night in CA and CP

Dear all Brother, below is my report on my 4 days 3 nights in CA and CP(3/7/08 to 6/7/08);Anyhow this is my first time to CA.

Day 1

10 am -  5 of us arrived at 深圳 air port after 4 hours fly..... at the air port we take a 7 seater van to xxxKINGDOM hotel it cost us RMB400....it about 1hours....

12pm to 5pm --- we check it the hotel,the hotel Rate RMB268....after we check in the hotel .,we go to the hotel SN..,it located at 2F...,the room charge RMB178.., and have the 3 type of SN MM..,RMB 400.,500 and RMB600..,there about 40 to 60 MM......,all look ok ...,i call 1 MM from 四x and plus 1 more mm cost me RMB100.,this two grils service is very good........................,(Drangon kungfu Very good )

6pm - We call the 妈咪 from the hotel Night Club. to reserved a Room...,she told us the MM 2,6,8 and ask us come to the club aboutt 7.30pm........and the min charge for the room RMB1288

6.30pm to 7.30pm -- Dinner at the hotel and we also call the Mummy to joint us..,after 5 min the mummy come....wah very beauty..........................

7.30pm we follow the Mummy to the club a lot  beautiful DJ.............................after 5 rounds we get the girls and start drink and sing,of course also .........................

12.am to 3 am. -- show time  到大約12點鍾, 媽咪就入黎, 話玩特別遊戲,and ask the DJ go out  from the room ,同媽咪玩骰鍾, 媽咪輸就d囡囡take off shirt..,if we輸same also除衫,  最後當然係全部人脫光啦。。。。。。。。。。then we start touch here and there...............and one of my frd also F there..............very enjoy....the total bill RMB2,650 include the two DJ.

Day 2

12pm - 1pm -- We check out from hotel and go to CP ,it also 7 seater car.,this car very nice an dnew..,it cost us RMB400.

1pm to 6pm --   we check in hotel HH it room charge us RMB420...,we go to the 宝x林 (beside HH)for body msg..it cost us RMB169 and include drinks and food.........,the MM there very good and talk a lot................

6.30pm to 2am --  I call My MM who work in HH club as DJ to booked room.....the price there also same as CA 2,6,8. he MM there aroung 700 to 750 MM............but normal just drink and sing...the bill RMB250 include DJ.

Day 3

10 am to 2pm -- we just walk around and also do msg at same place........,

2pm to 6pm --     We call out FAST FOOD.......,it cost RMB150...,and the Mummy bring around 17 MM to my room to choose...,the Mummy ask all the girls take off shirt.....and let us see and touch the ball.......HAaaa very good....
5 of us choose 2 girls........and the quality very good u can try next time.......

6.30pm to 2am -- This night we go to 桃园.all the MM Q at the lobby..until dont choose which MM..,we really enjoy.................But be carefull the girls will take your beer to others rooms........Finally the bill RMB3650....

Day 4

12pm we check out from HH and back to airport .........................it cost RMB400......,MY MMDJ cry and cry...i paid her also dont want.............i know her 1 year ++....but be carefull....

Fianlly..............We will make a come back on OCT 08..............thanks..


Ya..Thanks a lot for all of you advise.........maybe the mummy see us is not local.............anyhow please give me more information,,,...we will back on oct.thank you very much


Ha................,me from malaysia...


Thats ok....bro......,RMB400 for 5 of us to air port too high??any good frd to rec??thanks


i already post my oct trip to 1.11.08 to 4.11.08 ,thanks to all brother advise..




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