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[原創] ~ GOOD FORTUNE SAUNA 好運來桑拿 ~


More than that, the supervisors are very greedy.  They are using their authority to achieve their personal interest.  They hinted to the BGs giving them money in order to arrange work for the BGs.  This is why the supervisors rejected mark downs for the BGs so that they can no longer rely on their loyal customers for business.  In order to survive the BGs have to obey to the supervisors and keep them happy.   In a way they are forcing the BGs with a lot of mark downs leaving the company.  The supervisors can therefore exercise more controls on the new BGs.  The customers are not getting the service and BGs that they want.  I am seeing a lot of complaints from C Hings.  All these happened after MM re-joined the company, pushing SH to the night shift.  End of the good old days.


我就唔係好信管理曾可以唔幫bg mark單!forum.timway.comC2rJ:i){*P

This is useless.  Even if you have marked the BG directly, the supervisor may arrange work for the BG half an hour before you arrive and thereby interrupting both the BG and the customer.  In other occasions, if you called up the supervisor, she said the BG that you were requesting was at work even though she was idle or finishing her job within the next ten minutes.  She just stopped you from marking the BG you wanted.  This happened to me before and there are a lot of complains from other C Hing in this forum.




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