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[原創] The worse sauna in shenzhen

The worse sauna in shenzhen

I just came back from Shenzhen and did sauna in Real Madriad Metropolis....Very poor experience indeed. Manager is so impolite...bone girl are 95% pork girl and fat...not enough room and few bone girls ...need to wait for 45 mins to get a room.. I swear not to go there again and spend a few hundred there.........Brother ,,be careful!!!!


i forgot no already. I change girls 3 rounds.the female manager turn black face to me. Then I surrender to accept one pork girl to serve.I did the japanese style....the room is so dirty...I feel the bed cloth and towel is so unclean. I seldom make complaints openly because I know that it will affect their business.But this time I must say something to safeguard our interests.




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