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didn't go there for long , brother .... any good number for part 1 and part 2 for night shift ........
Don't trust the manager anymore ( that why i left )


Over two year didn't go there and try that last week again and will never go back to there again , 3 of us go there around 11 30 after dinner , the old guy tell us we have to wait 30 min .......its ok for us , then after 40 min , he say one of us can go in first ......we was like wtf .....and finally one of our frd get in .......
after 40 min , me and my frd are still waiting and the old guy come and take us to the room , ok finally we can do the massage ,,,,,, but when we get in the room he tell us you wait in here and sleep a while is better than wait outside.
FINE we was like ok .....................and then after half hour i guess first BG come in and my frd let me do first , i check the clock it is almost 2 pm ..........ok when i am in the second  hour my frd is really mad already............
Everyone should know why . Rite ? If you don't have enough BG don't fade us in . So he call the old guy and the old guy of course give all kind of excuse as usual .......
Ok when i finish of course the frd who go first and gone ..............
Finally we left the sauna .......
we are not first time go to do massage and we know if u have no bg is free in this moment , just tell us , we come in another time .
DON"T Fool US !




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