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[桑拿浴室] 荃溢

@! 真係唔錯

black jack 個樣都有70分...好正就唔係喇... 不過佢好好傾同認真..... 身材都OK啦....好YOUNG LOOK ..... 可FINGER DANCE.... 不過唔知有冇得KISS....

相關搜索目錄: Dance


*^ 試過四五次... 身材樣貌都幾好... 可以輕摸妹妹 ..... 未試過!@*... 請問大大們佢地相比如何???


原帖由 happywkr 於 2008-4-4 16:54 發表

You are lucky that *^ allowed you to touch her sister lightly, I have tried her over a few times and she never let me attack her pussy but I really enjoy grasping her soft nice boobs and very goo ...
I love her big boobs and when she was massaging my head in the front.... my head was being pressed by her boobs which made u feel so excited. It is lucky that she didnt refuse my gentle finger dance and where did she stand when she was doing hj? bed end so that you couldnt touch her or what?

be honest... she looks good in the room but i havent seen her clearly under light. any comment pls??

boardmaster pls share sth about !@* with us.

相關搜索目錄: Dance


試左咁多個都係*^ 最正... 雖冇BJ... 不過駛幾佰就有美女服侍真係抵... 佢都好TALL下... 有170應該... 請問各BROTHERS有冇其他BG 似佢既STYLE?? 樣正就得 ...冇VAS 冇問題


經過多次REBOOK 後終於可以小車了
好想叫佢夾爆...不過估佢唔肯... 都係冇問


原帖由 happywkr 於 2008-4-29 13:37 發表

No BJ, Day shift.
bro happywkr.... does she allow kissing??? how old is she? thx a lot


原帖由 kmmak 於 2008-5-9 14:39 發表

Thanks for you reference, tried *^  and confirm she is really pretty and with pink big balls.  Also tried !)! on night shift, quite good and about 90% quality of *^.
*^ does look good and her attitude is nice though no VAS. bro u may try @!... as other bros said... she is friendly and quite pretty yet the figure is not so outstanding .... slim and small boobs.....

for !)!... does she provide VAS??

p.s. all bros... hv u tried the food there? i have been there many times.... but i ordered only a drink every time.... any
yummy food?

[ 本帖最後由 doraemon7 於 2008-5-11 13:32 編輯 ]


any other bros tried !!!? VAS service???


*^ again!!

tried last week after winning some money from the euro.... *^ looked so nice and it was a pleasure to see her..... just the old practice.... good rpp.... allowed to touch her whole body.... with little moaning.... she is on day shift now.....


her bm doesn't make me feel good... though it is not bad... i enjoy her rpp and hj far more.... she is very tall as a girl but she is a bit heavy.. due to her height.... any bros have played sth wild with her? i touch her pussy everytime

she is quite a nice girl.... smart and can be a fd.... i am thinking to date her out after a few more visits...

any bg has close standard as her? just want hj.... no bj is needed....

[ 本帖最後由 doraemon7 於 2008-6-24 20:58 編輯 ]


原帖由 happywkr 於 2008-6-26 10:29 發表

As far as I know that she normally take off on Sat or Sun.  BTW how her service improved?
right! she has day-off either on sat or sun.... 2 saturdays and 2 sundays.... sunday should be a better day.. less customers....

it was heard that many old (not age) bgs have gone.... can any bro share some new bgs in a list??? so far i have tried only @! and *^.... can't contribute much


原帖由 happywkr 於 2008-6-10 11:23 發表
Just tried a day shift BG !@@, looked young, pretty, tall and slim, first impression is really good.  Enjoyed her bone skill with heart.  proceeding to part 2, rpp skill just ok and she could provi ...
hi bro wkr! does !@@ look better than *^ or @!???


回復 736# 的帖子

hi bro wkr... just came back to hk for a few days.... will try soon and report at once


回復 779# 的帖子

如果你一定要12點都可以請主任CALL BG 返黎GEI... 不過11就太早喇... 我最早1215... 唔駛同人迫 ... 另外@! 同 *^ 星期一前就返LU....

PS.. 剛剛去完OSAKA 享受左正同機... 兩種都各有可取既地方... 容後再REPORT


係呀.. 打上去問過主任... 除非佢老點... 至於*^ 打比佢再CONFIRM

本身想同老友上CLUB 既... 不過因為完全唔曉JAPANESE... 結果被BAN .... 好在有間"無料案內所" (唔駛比$提供收娛樂場所資料既地方) 既主持好好人... 話CLUB就冇計喇... SAUNA 機餐就OK... 都要即殺啦   上到去D 佢地D ATTITUDE真係一流 (其實其他行業都係)... 不過冇野食... 我就飲GREEN TEA.. FD 就COKE.... 佢地係得COKE.. 冇FANTA 果D... 奇怪.... 當然有BEER 啦... 時間較香港既場短... 多數都係一個HR就完...不過一定足鐘... 佢係你面前SET ALARM CLOCK. 的... 女女二十中啦.... 都幾好樣... 不過就真係冇得開大.... 個場MANAGER 好唔好意思咁講只同JAP 開大.... 除非你曉JAP又唔同...頂 .... 結果埋單三百幾HKD.. 都OK啦... 同埋佢地唔要TIPS的... 找錢時放晒D錢係你手..... 跟住90度BOW... 送埋你出門口之後又BOW....超強

之後又死左去一間VEGI 既場.... 不過果D係冇得BATH 既... 唔係咁好... 不過BONE SKILL 又唔錯.... D 女更索...(除左我個大師父之外) .... 佢地多數都好YOUNG... 完全好似係街邊D妹妹仔咁... 不過唔賣身 ... ROOM 都好開揚... 享受下好了

相關搜索目錄: 娛樂


回復 785# 的帖子

係下個星期一... 主任講的.....可以再打去CONFIRM.... 冇記錯佢返中更...


最新消息... 佢地兩個都未返工住... 要廿幾號


各位大大..... *^ 將不會再返工... 詳情不便公開... 請見諒


原帖由 peterHK 於 2008-9-13 21:20 發表

doraemon7 Ching 看起來, 你知道佢去咗另一Sauna wor. 你獨食 D wor !!  唔分享 !!




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