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Two totally different scenario.
One is falling for a chicken whose sole ppurpose is to separate you from your money. If you give her your real love and think that your Q is your sole purpose in life, then you are on the wrong mission in life.
If your true love also thinks that you are her true love forever, then you are blessed but this is NOT what KMY was talking about.
Keep your true love close.
Then go out there and try to get some chicken to fall for you and you are the real life master. Oh, maybe that sounds too much like a wolf-dog.

相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 ghost169 於 2008-4-23 10:22 發表

how can u talk about "mission" in the chat box? u a totally lost!!

Maybe you do not know that the "mission in life" is different from your "mission". Now, who is totally lost??

[ 本帖最後由 lomo 於 2008-4-23 10:31 編輯 ]




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