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唔識打字,用手写板,你老母,超慢!可否手写, scan 出???

我的性高潮在正統婚姻之外。男人來說, 性與愛可分開。

monday, 給老婆滿足,其實她好索;但與她做了卅年,再索,亦唔會high.
again, i really love my wife, but, 我看見靚女,走光短裙,deep v 上衫,還有香水味,一雙姣眼,馬上九硬扯旗。my dearest wife, 情慾是這样着迷,請你原諒我的賓周心野。

Tuesday, 我去找另一個c9, 卅張幾嘢, 勝在骨技超班,在紅勘私樓,門面按腳,內有咸濕。3 粒鍾起機,好鬼死high. feeling 似偷情.,私樓中, C9無喇剌捉住你条九,仲搞什幺前列腺按麼,搞到九硬如鉄,射精射上天花板。

Wednesday no good, too much work.

Thursday, 上CP揾女,先放風:老婆我全日開會,你揾我唔到。
CP女多,乳房吸引,最頂癮係少女風騷。明知自己有前有後,還著輕紗,凸奶開胸,T-back 露底。她就坐在硬九之上,underpant包唔往pussy, 吉吉地,在我大脾擦出西水。我溝了件東北大波妹,真係100%天真但唔純情,飢渴地,食咗我隻居。

返HK, 抱抱老婆,i really mean it, BUT, at the same time, 我還在陶醉於東北大波妹的西水、半眨的高潮眼、發姣的叫春,與抽筋似的窄西。此時此刻,老婆與東北妹,二合一,散發高潮之味,也半帶老夫妻的憂鬱。

相關搜索目錄: 香水 功課
  • 筆突 體力 +20 用心分享 2009-1-15 12:37
  • 筆突 威望 +20 用心分享 2009-1-15 12:37


trainer and trainee double fly 雙飛啦老友

chinese new yr is approaching. so busy. but somehow, life is so very boring.
after office chore is done. 2:30pm, what should i do? stay in office? go somewhere else? go to mongkok for a fuck is kind of  fuck-it-easy kind of deal... cp, 6 hrs round trip. a bit tiring. but i am thinking thru and comparing. in hk, i prefer plane. relaxed and esay going. but this afternoon i want 2 hrs of nonstop ecitment. so i jump on the train. lu wo, shenzhen, cp. there i am. waiting for a hotel bus that takes me to the love nest. on the spot. the fat manager told me, the trainer has gone back her home. introduce me to a new trainer. ok la. no complain. a very young one. skinny. tall, naughty. i ask: how come you are so young and you are responsible for training gals to please men. she replies, oh, i like that!!! she is in her mini-skirt. not uniform, but what she actually wears. she comes near. sexy, pretending. and she reviews her pussy, and t-back. horny she is, asking: would you like to have double fly?????? satisfaction quaranteered. i hesistate, but i say yes. in she comes, the second chick. 16 or so, very young. i hate that. i like c-9, a bit fat, but boobs, most important of all, c-9 know how to make love. but anyway, i say yes. come in come in little doll. and she comes in. she is quick, maybe becoz of her trainer is here. i am sitting on the chair beside the bed. she comes. sucking my nipples right there. and her teacher, the trainer, takes off her clothes, naked, and uses her butt to press against my dick. we are dancing, picking on each other nipples. the trainee, that 16+ young girl is looking. but i have a strong feeling that, this trainee, who just arrived here, are very very very excited to see me and the training fondling, kissing, dancing naked, and finallu fucking like hell. the little girl, still young, watching us fucking like animal, she watches, she breathes hard, and i feel that deep sexy impulse running wild in her blood.

after the first Q, we bath. amazingly, my dick hardened again when the trainer sucks my cock and the trainee suck my nipples, i kiss the trainee on purpose.  i know the trainer is mouring faked, she has too much of fucking. but for the trainee, the 16 something. she is turned on. i suck her, touch her pussy with real care, water, water, water; mourning mouring mourning. deep breathing, she seems to like it so very much every time when my palm, whole hand is pressing against her pussy and fuck her with my finger. she cries out so loud as if the house is falling.

back to the bed. normal (may be boring) CP standard service. sure. why not/  this is the time for my little borther to rest and harden again

now the really beef. me facing up, trainer and trainee sucking all over. hardened. the trainer standing, playing her balls and pussy in front of me, purposefully giving me a very close view of her pink pussy lips.

i fuck the trainee there, the trainer behind, dancing, masterburiting......

i fuck so hard and shout so loud that the ceiling must be falling...........

full excitment........... and i am so tired and forgetful on the way home. in a CP-shenzhen train, the CRH, looking outside the mirror, fast moving images, fading away, it is 8:00 pm, already dark, i am heading back to my home, strang, but sweet......




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