vegi 玩出火
忙到隻積,冇時間跟師兄唱K (in fact, 心思思)。just having free time for one afternoon. 去CP FULL HOUSE按身,條女相熟,上次偷偷地做前列腺,佢中女中到暈,失婚,唔靚唔醜,幾酥下。
先按背,冇野搞。fu 薑,推油、除褲,鎖門, i didn't do anything, she was taking the steering wheel. 推油呢家嘢好sensual, 𠕇feel似觸電,尢其是推胸,有意冇意,硬哂。
high 咗一個鍾,佢開始閉眼深呼吸。我忍唔徃起身kiss佢。反應大。我錫詎耳珠,山洪爆發.
she took off her bra, i kissed her tits, she pressed her pussy against my dick, 隔住條褲, i licked her, she fondled my tits.
we changed position, she slept on the massage bed, i stood next to the bed, kissing her tits. her hand held my dick and massage me mad. the magic moment came, she didn't want to 越軌, but the feeling was so strong that she pulled off her pants, we rubbed each other with her under pant on. but then, after a while.... she couldn't help herself, she pulled her under off.... i asked: "u want to fuck?" she was choosing betw a rock and a hard place..... yes, we did the right thing, we didn't do it, no good, i didn't penetrate, and she asked me to hand fuck her, so i did, and she was holding my dick too, we both cum....
之後她發短訊給我,說,她己超出了技師的本份,不好意思,下次一定會控制自己.... i send her an image of a rose, and thanks her, and told her i had a very good time