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Sinking and leaving the ship

Be frank, what are you afraid of? Are you thinking that you cannot satisfy her in bed?

Clarify the relationship with her first before making any decision. She's with you becos of sex? Money? Or love? Ladies in China always misunderstand that guys from HK are simply for sex. Just like in our concept gals in mainland are simply for money (I did think I was wrong before..... after watching the movie "Mami" in PRC, I think 99.99% of gals are simply for money. For further discussion in the future.)

So clarify this first, and see if it matches your target / desire / vision. Tell her that you cannot handle her sex demand, and see what can come to conclusion.
  • louhaha 體力 +20 great reply 2013-5-11 17:52
  • louhaha 威望 +20 great reply 2013-5-11 17:52
  • louhaha 金錢 +20 great reply 2013-5-11 17:52


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2013-5-20 03:22 發表
it has been some days. i didn't return her wechat texts for a week. gone for ever...? .is this the rational choice? i bought her a russian diamond, needed to repair a bit. now it is ready, i am strugg ...
Well, sharing is expected. At least it means that she's a friendly person and got lots of friends in the massage workshop / others willing to care her.

Be frank...... what is in your heart? Leave? Or stay?

If you think that you're leaving, just save your ring for the coming ones. It means nothing at all to give her the ring and run away. Especailly, if, only if, she really likes / loves you. That will hurt her a lot. If she doesn't like you / just like your money, that will give wrong impression to her.

However, if you are going to stay, that will be completely another story. You should give it to her by hand and discuss. However, of cos, manage your risk wisely. Sinking is a must, but you should know how deep you can dive (how much shit you can afford). There's always a chance that the girl cheats you. Just if what do you believe.




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