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[檔案] "精" 盟會 - 老太監醫院遊記 (Welcome any 醫院 report here)

I hope the red label is NOT the little sec.............


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-9-5 12:23 發表

馬要跑路、人要進步, right?
日本有名攝影師荒木經惟講過:  "「不斷地按快門」就如「不斷地射精」"



原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-5 12:30 發表
It is not the little sec... tell you what... little sec doesn't fall into the categories of Red Label...
Don't care.......... as long as she is not tortured by you rudely, that's OK for me next week!


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-9-5 12:40 發表

好啦, 你咁欣賞, 我post 幾張大師作品

透過我的眼睛觀看他的寫真, ...

借問他出的影集, 在港可以買得到嗎 ?


By the way, who is the "Country Man"..........? Another new JM brother?


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 11:17 發表
Mac... 港樂 is the main battlefield for Spiderman...  for me, my main battlefield is the hospital... coz I am serious ill... and only uniform staff could heal me...

Froggie... Countryman is a frien ...

BTW, do you feel well.............? Any need for hospital visit?


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 11:49 發表
definitely need the hospital visit again soon... as got some new number to try... hehe...
New numbers to try again.............? Ah Yee is really too good to you la.


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 12:13 發表
You jealous...?

Btw... I didn't tell Dr L about your fantasy to her... I guess you better tell her yourself directly...
Yes, I am jealous by 100%! haha!

Anyway, I know your status in the hospital is not replaceable! And your position in ah yee's heart is non-replaceable, too.


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 14:44 發表
Honestly... I didn't know if Dr L is single or not... but if you are interest.. i am fine to become the "紅娘" for you...

And I didn't have any special place in ah yee's heart... haha... at least  ...
Do you think I should bring her some mooncake on JM brothers' behalf if I go there some time before the mid autumn festival?


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 15:14 發表
no need to bring... buy from her... haha
I think the mooncake from Hong Kong is more tasty and hygienic!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 15:53 發表
hey... wake up... Froggie... your DR L don't care about the taste and healthy... just care about the quota they need to meet...

Just kidding...
BTW, what does DR L stand for..........? DoRinLa?


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-9-9 15:01 發表

I just wonder that the manager will have any quota to sell the mooncake as the SN's MM????????
It doesn't matter as long as the mamagress is helpful and/or the MM is your COT!


原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-9-10 08:47 發表

Coz she 's your private assistant. Know what you want and like. But not for us...
I'll meet her later today for her assistance............... but this time I have not used Retav's name!


OK........... if she is available. Maybe I'll  try her, too.


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-10 09:42 發表
Um... you bad... stick to your little sec first...
Just want to know if there is any "devilish foot massage" in the hospital.........


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-10 10:31 發表
Official answer is no... I tried once...

But since the door at that time is no glass... don't know if you could seduce her for such service...

If you want to have Fun Foot Massage... go to 片場 ...
I am not too sure if I have enought= time for both little sec and foot massage today..........


Fan Bing Bing

Originally, I have sms to Dr L to book the little sec one day before. However, when I contacted her again while aboard the CRH, she told me that the little sec had quitted several days ago. What a disappointment, but Dr L promised to select a good red label for me. Should I believe her again, I just wonder. She just want to have more business and all the girls in the hospital are wonderful (they all are $$ signs) in her eyes. However, though a little bit upset, as I was very sick at that moment and deadly need some treatment. So I went to the hospital direct to try my luck.

No queue is needed, as I arrived there just after noon. Dr L showed me two girls in sporty aerobic wear --- bra top + mini short. One of them is quite eye-catching and definitely MCOT. I made the choice in the first round.

She is a medium built cutie young ('87) woman, 160 cm tall, with good figure and pretty face ( Ferrari Chan + Fan Bing Bing type).  She was really smart and even discovered the secret of my secret weapon! This embarrassed me a bit!

Her dance was sexy indeed. And her service in the first round, water bed and second round was above standard. She made me had 2.5 shots as a result. I had my total satisfaction from her!

One point about her I had to make. Her body is nicely and healthily built! When I touched her nicely shaped big boobs, I found them to be quite "hard" and suspected that they were fake. But my hands told me they are natural. She showed me a post of what the competitors in the 健美 competition do, and her breasts turned to be in "muscular" look!

Though I have no chance to have good time with the little sec, I have no regret at all as this girl has topped me up with respect to my sex desire!

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-11 10:43 發表
Number of HK region... good... i know this number b4...
But since there are a lot of new staff arrive after the olympic... I really don't know if the one you meet is the one i meet... just like my fa ...
It seems there are new good choices in the Hospital.............. I dare say men go there will not leave empty-handed.


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-19 10:13 發表
Update on 18/9/2008

Since it is 老太監's big date... I super squeeze the work time and have a morning visit to the hospital...

Dr L congratz me for the big-date... and she bring alone all the ne ...
死太監................. 又話唔得閒要改期, 点知靜靜鳼鼠上 去食好嘢, 令到蛙仔 "留港守齋"....... anyway, happy b-day!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-19 10:49 發表
To 7-siu... don't play me lah... you got 4 妃嬪 to serve you... but yes... I could comment that for my recent experience... the service qualtiy improve in the Hospital... but the MM quality is a unden ...
I think we JM brothers should hold a mini party for Retav for his belated b-day celebration!


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-19 10:54 發表
Can I join the party ? He He !
Why not..............? But it probably be a "ma-nut" party held locally. Still interested to join?


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-19 12:04 發表
I am going to CA this afternoon with Dai Hoi for the weekend.

You name it and PM me, I can check the PM while I am in Humen and CA.
I propose Retav to be the organiser............. and let us have the "ma-nut water blowing evening" the soonest, OK?


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-9-19 20:48 發表
Guys ~~~ Please count me in !
I have a lot of things to learn from you .... especially 7-siu ! The K-King !
.............including the correct attitude in having fun!


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-22 13:31 發表
不要有講無做,太空隧道了!快點安排"Ma-nut happy hour party".

I shall release my " weekend report" later this evening.

快 d 行动啦! 連七少都感到不耐煩 la!


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-9-25 14:59 發表

Grateful to note that you pick up a new GF!
Btu according to 7-siu, she is only a day-trade product...........!


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