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新手單拖 CP KY

Just walk around the 3 main street in CP for 15 mins... you could see almost all the famous name there... no need a guide or map... but some other name is not on the main street and you need a taxi to get there...


I am not qualify recommend any of them... as my main place is KY...

But just like icheng... you could try any one of it (or all of it)... DG ISO9000 standard won't let you down... even their services might varies on different SN... but they are pretty much the same level...

You will find your favorite one, one you try some of them (or once again, all of them)



Of course, once I still got the free entry pass for the Zoo, I am still able to SJ (Steal Jump) sometimes...

I am pretty standard on having the action on Sat... not so often on Wed, rarely on Monday and never on other days... so... let me know if you have any plan...


When, PM me and see if I could arranged... haha... "Life aways find the new way out"

I am really bad... damit...


Totally agree... 青出於藍...


haha... we just used another way to say that you are working so hard on this area...

it is good... keep it up... i am old la and after the Incident... I have to be even more carefully...


Total agree... KY's room charge is a bit high... compare with HM and HW... it is just a bit more... but the room is not that good in HM...


Software are always by luck la... you could pick porkchop if Macau too if you are so bad luck... I tried a pork chop in D1... believe it or not... haha


She is a Pork Chop as she is fat... with good looking face... so... it is a real pork chop... it is the first few time I visit D1... and after I choose that girl, she stand up and I found that she is fat... I am not a frequent visiter at that time... don't want to change as it is too embarass...

But now... one of the manager is my friend and he will tell me in advance if I am choosing fake ball, comparatively poor service or old MM...


Yes... but once a month is still good...




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