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I went and tried Tom's Garage for the first time today.  Pinky was the only girl there as the others were out for dinner.  Service was great, girl was hot, price was right, felt a little business like at times, but overall a very good experience.  I really like her look.

Just a question to some of the regulars at Tom's Garage.  Based on the comments on this form, I had origionally asked to see Noelle, but she was sick and wasn't seeing anyone today.  On my way out, Tom introduced me to her.  She has a cute look, but I didn't think that she was that hot.  If anything, she was only average looking and probably in her mid to late 20's.  What's the source behind the great reviews.  Is her service that much better than other SP's?
  • rtsang88 體力 +30 informative 2008-7-4 23:46
  • rtsang88 威望 +30 informative 2008-7-4 23:46


原帖由 chef123 於 2008-7-4 12:20 發表

Noel's hot doesn't come from face or look...It's hard to explain   Maybe it's because you already had a good dinner and don't have that "strong desire".  Heheh

Also, they probably w ...
That's a good point about being full from dinner already.  Also, being sick/off work she was wearing sweat pants had her glasses on which can't be all that flattering.  I'll have to give her a try when she's feeling better.

Part if it also could be that I really like Pinky's body type and face.  I did notice a slight cigarette smell in her hair, but her soft skin and tight little body more than make up for the smell which was barely noticeable.

相關搜索目錄: Make up




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