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[原創] Jakarta report

Jakarta report

Hi bro,

i tried  3 indo girls when i stay at Jakarta.  the first was pickup from local pub dont ask to way, i just walking around the hotel) and with good look plus young, max 19.  the service was so so, may be she cannot speak english much.  the damage was 700k Rp overnight. Actually, she can stay until noon but I need to go somewhere in the morning. The second was picked from BAT pub (inside Shangri-la).  Her look was so so and service is average, damage was 700k Rp for 2 hrs.  After I went to this pub for a few nights, the girls in there is average only.  nearly 1/2 of them I cannot take it.  So, I went to C Jazz pub on the last night.  The place is much better than Bat in hardware and the girls.  Many of the girl came with dress up like go to ball and you can find a lot of beauty and young girls in there. Finally, I found a girl is 19 and with a good looking as TV star.  We dance in the pub until it close and she treated me like her boyfriend.  The feeling is wonderful.     Then i brought her to my room for overnight. After the 1st ML, we talked a lot and she showed my some picture in her phoen as well.  And in the next morning I walked her down to lobby and many of the male was looking at her.  hwr, there was the last night i stay. if i visit jakarta again, i will pick her again with 100% sure.   My recommand is the C Jazz is the best!

相關搜索目錄: Dance
  • rtsang88 體力 +30 nice report 2008-9-21 09:11
  • rtsang88 威望 +30 nice report 2008-9-21 09:11


in Hotel Mulia, Jakarta's Central Business District


sorry camoutiger, i don't have the number.  hwr, i am going to jakarta next week!  Are you will be there as well?  may be we can go together.




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