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 27 12


New Kid Question and update

Brothers,  I am new here.  Quick question:
园园 has two numbers.. xxxxxx331 and xxxxxxx332
What is the different?

I tried 兰兰 last week, she is good and fun to talk to.  I will not say she is an absolute beauty, but good enough for a few hours of relax time.  Massage skill was nice, and hj was ok.  Didn't complaint about touching different parts of her, but I didn't go all the way.  Afterall it was a good experience.  I give 7 out of 10.

How to know 豆豆 availability?


Different type different feel... personal preference lah, pal.
Call-in has a lot of flexibility.  Up to you lah.  Have fun!


Brothers, any suggestion for call-in in GuangZhou?


Brothers, I had similar bad experience when I called PeiPei for the first time last week.  I asked for LeiLei and eventually came Xiao Yu at the door step!  She was not that pretty at all, but "What the hack, just give it a try." I thought.  The worse part came was that she was answering phone calls and short messages to arrange mm for other people!  I got setup and she lightly said sorry.  I had no mood for anything but let her finish the hj.  When I tried to touch her top, she asked me for 400 extra!! She must be crazy!  I let her finished the job and let her left, and still trying to get extra from me.  I got angry and told her to leave.  Immediately short messaged PeiPei again and complainted, and eventually responsed that she was not PeiPei !!!  She was just a temporary replacer claimed PeiPei is on special leave for a period of time!!   It was an arrangement from the "boss".  I didn't want to listen to excuses and told this "temp PeiPei" that was all b.s.  She even gave me another phone number claiming that was "real PeiPei" personal number.  Of course I didn't bother to call that number as that could be another round of lies.  

It is such a bad experience and disappointment as I have heard good response with PeiPei before.  Whenever you brothers calling PeiPei for arrangement, you better double check.


Brother ctyu1,  

Is YanYan = Xiao Yan?
Borthers have said there are many "Yan" in different agent.  
"Yan Zie" is with AnAn, and "Yan Yan" supposed to be with PeiPei.


Brothers, good to report a nice night with Yan-zi.  She was soft and tender and nice to talk to.  

I called AnAn around 8 right after dinner with customer. I thought of the bad experience I had with the "temp PeiPei" and ask AnAn to arrange only YanZi but no one else.  AnAn told some time to figure arrangment but YanZi eventually came to my door step at 10.  She has a pretty face, I rated her face 8/10.  We started the routine, but she was wearing her long skirt for massage, so I asked her to take it off (with an extra she asked for).  She was braless, and the boobs were nice.  Her massage skill was good.  We talked along the massage and it was friendly.  I didn't go all the way (as she was on the special days).  I look forward to the next time I go back. Or may be try another girl ?!


any brothers have good suggestion for Guangzhou call in massage?


hello... long time no see brother!
Good info to know.  Got to try soon!!


Brother, sounds very good.  莘庄 is a bit far, but well worth to try arh.
What her name ley?  just don't want to be confused with others.  8-)


Just called 淨兒 tonight, and went to the "club".  It is as brother said, a common appartment.  I asked for 晴晴 before I went, and 淨兒 said ok.  The funny thing is, the 晴晴 who came to me was not the same is Brother's descriped.  The 晴晴 came to me is a 5'5 34C girl from 武汉!   She was nice to talk with and skillfully handled different stage of the course.

There was a misunderstanding about charges, but 淨兒 quickly responsed possitively.

[ 本帖最後由 kiddo_sh 於 2008-6-4 02:24 編輯 ]


Oh yes, I will say 晴晴 is pretty (over average) and service level is satisfactory.  About size... well... I need to gain more experience from more different bg lah... hehehe....  this is something I have to "work hard" lor... hahaha...

I still have a hang on the bg uniform from 路路... got to try it!!  Let me report later on.  Stay put!



Last time I was talking about calling 路路, but changed my mind at last minute (don't want to risk).  Instead I called 安安.  Short chat with her is always nice, she is kinda funny but yet professional.
AnAn recommended and arranged JinJin (金金), whom I never tried.

JinJin came on time.  A shoulder length curl hair, not too tall, and carrying nice smile.  She changed clothes into short skirt and body fit tee (wow!).  Skillful routine back rub with essence oil, good pressure.  I like her skill which was relaxing, smooth, and stimulating.  We talked throughout the course about everything from earthquake to eating.  She has a good balanced figure, not too skinny.  I can feel her smooth legs (these shorts are the best!) while massaging my neck and shoulder.  No complaint while toughing her waist and top.  Can feel her globes are not huge type via her fitted tee and bra.  Of course cannot satisfy with the tee in between.  Spent some effort to pulled up the barriers and assess her top.  Nice little ones with light red cherries. Finished off with HJ, skillful and stimulating, and she carefully cleaned up after.

I recommend you brothers for JinJin, soft and very gf feel.


Shanghai has been raining on and off.  Best to have call in...
Called AnAn and arranged JinJin again.  Still as good as last time, but also more closer feel like old friends.  Took a good portion of time massage shoulder and chest (mine).  Of course most important is to take good care of my little brother.. hehe...
When I asked her if she is leaving soon, she said she isn't, so that's a good news for us all.  8-)

I used to see AnAn on msn, but she disappeared from it recently.  Guess it is better for you brothers to call her directly at her mobile.  Enjoy!


I believe it is safe.  No one is going to rob you.  The customer service may ask you a few more questions just to ensure you are a normal person.  You shouldn't be doing anything illegal anyway.  Enjoy and Have fun!



小弟要去天津出差幾日, 請問有冇好 agent 介紹呢?


Long Time No See

How are you all?  and Mr. Lo Hong Wu... greetings!
I haven't been back to SH for long long time.  I am staying for one night tonight.
Any good stuff going on? 8-)


I should give a short report even though I am very sleepy.
Tried 琴琴 from 小婷 just a moment ago.  Have to agree 老江湖 that she has good massage skill, very open.  good interaction.  A good choice.



Chings.  If you happen to be in Tianjin, call [email=158@@71^1*3]158@@71^1*3[/email].  
If you need FS, must tell them clearly.


回復 1710# 的帖子

Happy New Year to you all!  
Happy Massage!


公司一直冇 project 響大陸, 只可以睇各位ching 的 happy reports.
終於等到可以"回國", 冇得上上海, 北京都好啦.  第一次響BJ call.  終找到雨馨電話, 佢recommend 花花....
結論: 只可以用 "超級吾專業" 去總結.
Call 完兩個鐘至到.  拍門入房, 連"你好"都吾講聲, 直沖入房, 立即坐左sofa道, 噤電話.  名又吾講, 仲要一D 歉意都冇, 又話佢講三十分左右係"可前可後可早可晚", "明天來都可以"..... (一D都吾似講笑, 一D笑容都冇).
開始後邊按邊打喊路, 吾親切不在話下, 草草了事走人,  一半時間都冇.  一D都吾專業....  
同雨馨complaint,  佢都好為難... 話呢個係最靚的一個 (呢樣冇評價, 見仁見智).  本來今日吾洗上鐘, 因為係朋友介紹至call 佢, 考慮個樣, 忙記其他因數.  點知變成噤.
我同雨馨講,  呢D小妹妹, 禁有個性... 千奇吾好再用佢.
錢都算喇... 但係呢三舊幾真係頂住條氣!


回復 2292# 的帖子

LJW 兄.  雨馨介紹個海青都幾好呀.  msg 技術吾錯, 力水夠, 吾係摩下摩下個隻.  Part 2, 吾算心急了事.  開放度就一般.  不過佢都幾忙, 一邊按, 一邊都有 sms 不斷.  海青都冇急住睇message.  不過吾夠一個鐘就走左了.  下次試下 小左/小娜 至得.


天津的雨馨有個技師叫 "小左".  哈爾濱人.  樣: 8分; 身材9分; Part 1 Skill: 8分 - 應用力時交足功課; Part 2 Skill 8分 - 有技巧!  
Ching 們在天津應該試下.  小弟覺得她是在北方的技師中比較有質素的一個. Good luck!

相關搜索目錄: 功課


安安介紹技師 "一一" (one one).  如果老兄 prefer 勁前勁後. 你可以 skip 呢個 posting.
但係我覺得佢 part one 好用心, 感覺到有應真 training.  Part two 又有gf feel.  值得讚!   


回復 4160# 的帖子

乐乐的确是年青新一派. 按背有力有技巧. 在大埸學過練過, 滿意的. 性格健談.
問題是要拿小費個類.  最后在沒有突別要求情況下被佢"罰款"老毛一張!  


Why am I get stucked in Beijing???


 27 12


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