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[上樓骨] 小妹係尖沙咀金巴利道開左一間足療按摩.

As I know this is your 2nd post within today already & don't know why the 1st post being deleted (B'cos advertising?)

Repeat my opinion, if Memi you are always station in this place, there will be a plus, but I believe what we mostly concern is the service, BGs quality incl. how old are they, hows their skill, good looking or not and how long you will keep your promotion price!

As I am sure all chings will agreed that there are lots of choices in the town!!

Wish your place San Yee Hing Lung la................


Although Memi did advertised in here and just like other brothers said if this place is good, we'll for sure talk about in here and visit it ASAP, otherwise if this is a bad place, I believed all of us will talk about it too!

What I look at the replies from MEMI, she just a teenager and don't know how to reply or solve the comments from the customers.

I'll not go at this moment unless it getting smooth & with possitive comments by all the loyalty chings here!


Although Memi did advertised in here and just like other brothers said if this place is good, we'll for sure talk about in here and visit it ASAP, otherwise if this is a bad place, I believed all of us will talk about it too!

What I look at the replies from MEMI, she just a teenager and don't know how to reply or solve the comments from the customers.

I'll not go at this moment unless it getting smooth & with possitive comments by all the loyalty chings here!


Although Memi did advertised in here and just like other brothers said if this place is good, we'll for sure talk about in here and visit it ASAP, otherwise if this is a bad place, I believed all of us will talk about it too!

What I look at the replies from MEMI, she just a teenager and don't know how to reply or solve the comments from the customers.

I'll not go at this moment unless it getting smooth & with possitive comments by all the loyalty chings here!




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