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[原創] 上海包月

Haha, my friends!!

Glad that you guys not in Shanghai so I can take a rest......................and enjoy with my GF.........

By the way, thanks you you guys help me buy stuffs from HK!! Salute, call me when you have the exact date to Shanghai as I need cigarettes again.


Dear Friends,

Forgive me that I am base in Shanghai must need a GF with me, not like you guys............Salute - no idea how much for the girls' price for a shot! Heard that around $1200 - $2000.....

Yale - Thanks a lot of your understanding, Next time will get together have a dinner & drinks afterward.

Night Club not so interests as never get girls out..................not my style......haha

Cigarettes always welcome but I may go HK in DEC, let you guys know!! Take care friends, I am always here to serve you in Shanghai!!


My friends,

Busy in work also 跟GF煙花过后感情建基時期, so sorry no time to meet with you guys. I may back HK the 1st or 2nd week of Dec, it depends...............not confirm yet.

I totally agreed that 上海小姐又貴, 又要時间溝..............有時问溝件化算!! 但出差几天吃歺好就要花錢了.

下次轉玩Disco, 一样有女$300陪坐, 一晚酒錢$3000, 不用比媽咪及公主, 有兩枝Champagne + 一枝黑牌, 再送一枝黑牌...........化算不?

相關搜索目錄: Disco


Anywhere, Muse 1, Muse 2, Sky, Phoebe.............etc

Waiting for you guys...................Miss U guys a lot!!


Salute Bro,

What a superman you are.................................Kangaroo make you feel sick & like panda a lot?

By the way, next time you come Shanghai, bring me some of your powerful medicine for me to try!!

Theses days I really lost a lot of my energy, need to refill as much as possible!!
Almost once a day (Sometimes twice a day) for past 40 days.


My friends, I lost almost 6lbs these days & weather is getting cold these few days, gonna eat a lot to refill my the lost!!

I don't think you 認唔出 me, you will surprise Y I am getting younger & younger......................

Yes, my GF's home is my 砲房, I sleep there 4 to 5 days a week.

Highly appreciated of you guys' concern, waiting for you to bring me the secret medicine.

By the way salute, how is the facial oil? Is it work for you? It seems that not that magic of what the sales said.


May be I did use the Origin product before, and my skin already in a perfect condition, so may be the reason Y no much improve.............

You come with your 正印, let see may be we can meet up for dinner together. No worries I won't disclose your personal affairs in Shanghai.........haha!!

Yale Bro, I also recommend you try the oil la. See how handsome Salute bro now!!


Yale Bro, Shesido no good la, I tried before!! Expensive & no good. But try try la, if not your wife will say you may have some affairs..............haha!!!!!


Yale 兄 : 我地沒银兩的就要靠外表的, 你估有形就能長久嗎? 最终又係$$.......

No free lunch in the world..................你就唔同, 放几張毛伯伯在臉上, 谁与你爭峰!!

Salute 兄, 你利害啦, 識得講课傳授心得啦................................好似我recommend 你skincare的!!

明天我兩口子去杭州西湖玩二曰, see you guys!! 看看杭州美女........没得吃!!


唉Salute兄, 我目前GF也不差呀, 只是男人就是这样..............得一想三!! 你就是好例子呢!!


Yale 兄, 什么時候來上海? 有事請求!!


Salute 兄, 你那边就肯定是煙la!! Yale 兄, 能否看一下 i-phone 4 16G 有无貨(不是4S) 要三部, 多少錢一部, 先谢!!


Thanks & waiting for your update!!


Seems that is out of stock la, only waiting for i-phone 4s la!! Do you have any channel can get few 16G 4s???


My friend,

Better do on 19 Dec night as A兄 20 Dec 去Wuxi~~


兄弟们, 我長駐上海了~~~...................................



有補唔補, 好易變胯佬~~~ 有事補事, 冇事強身嘛~~


See You!!!



去那玩呀, 唔帶饭盒的, 去A君介紹的Club!!


Yale 兄或 Salute 兄 - 另所需物品已齊了, 希望能幫我買榮華臘腸一包加润腸一包煮饭吃

天寒地凍, 要補補!!

Please let me know you guys want to go Club or what!!



I suggest go Club on 19 Dec and have dinner with GF on 20 Dec.

As A君 not in Shanghai on 20 Dec

Yale Bro : Can you help for the 榮華?


兄弟, 我的六舊model老是挑豆我, 我也反客為主, 小饅頭, 小包魚......说不出去, dill 吊高來买!!

場平均吧, 下次再玩但must Fri or Sat night...........第二朝差点开不了会!!

Yale 兄, 收到月曆了, thanks!!


兄弟们, 你们可能要做人情了.........................可能会过年后结婚!!!


沒有做錯事, 大家有这想法姐!! 她大姨媽來了, 成都之旅吃自己!


Yale 兄, 有事相求, 請打我手机, Thanks!!




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