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[疑難] Young BG

You have better chance in China.


原帖由 DarkVader 於 2008-8-7 16:39 發表
Well!  I have tried those expensive sauna in Hong Kong including Rainbow, Kobe...etc, but I still can't find any goodies.  Back in 90's to early 00's, BGs r young and great ,u know.  hm.....
It's difficult to revert the situation in HK.  Ever since HK has become "rich and famous" in late 90's, girls in HK think that they are a class above.  Being a BG is tough work and like many kids in HK - they are spoiled (at least attitutide wise).  How can the girls in HK compete with those in China (age 18-22) with great figures, better attitude, and more daring to please for money.  Girls in HK just want to make quick money without any hard work!  Many young girls tried to work as C-clock - their age 20-22, average figure, below average look calling for $1800 to $2000 an hour?!  For that price, you can be a King in China!!!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-8-7 22:00 發表

Getting $1,000 lying on a bed is tough work?
Peninsula C-Hing, may be my expectation is a little different than others.  If I have to pay over $1,000 in a Sauna or USB place, the BG must be able to provide a good quality massage (beside an above average personal quality).  Otherwise, there is no different than going to a 161.  The good quality massage is a bit of tough work if you have to serve many customers during the day.  Of course it's not as tough if the BG only need to lie on her bed all day!




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