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­ì©«¥Ñ KMY89 ©ó 2008-6-9 02:39 µoªí

Kmy ¥u¬Ý¦è¤ù©M¥~°ê¼@¶°¡A¤W¦¸¦b±`¥­¥ÃùÚ¶Rªº¤@®M Charles Wilson's war ¨S¦³¤¤¤å¦r¹õ¡A­Ó¤k¦ñ¤T¤ÀÄÁ«á´N°V¨ì¬y¤f¤ô ... Kmy ´¿¹Á¸Õ¤F¸Ñ¥L­Ìªº¤å¤Æ¡A¦ý¯uªº«ÜÃø¡A¥L ...
I suppose we cannot really generalise in this way, as there are some professional ladies who know and read a lot.  Try the other thread in this forum, for example the 141 topic under this Guide ©]¹C­·¤ë , you will find some brothers here reallly appreciate some girls in the 141 or USB business who have the breath of taste and knowledge a lot of HK girls cannot even comprehend.  For that Univ. prof. it could well be the case.  But then, if you look at HK, anything is possible, right ?  a 28-year old kid who happens to know the right person in the government /political party will now earn in a month more than a cleaner can make in a year !  Nothing is going to surprise us anymore !!




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