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回復 26# 的帖子

200% agreed! That's why I like to be served by 1 BG. However, most of the local BGs in small Sauna, they do lousy bone skills. Except one time I went to one in Jordan, the young local BG surprising served me with good bone skills. Then I had a enjoyeable part 2. Only thing that she is not gorgeous enough for me to be loyal to her but switching around. But I will definitely visit her twice or more.
Anyway, this post aroused my interest to visit this sauna for "opening my eyes". Thx


原帖由 falo 於 2008-8-18 16:19 發表

where could I find her
Jordan Tin X. No 18. She is a bit chubby but she is polite, pure and doesn't look like "professional".  The manager named her "little fat girl" She is in night shift. You can call to check first.


Doer Hing

seems that you are a good spender who knows well how to spend. Is sauna your favourite activity? Any other "interesting" activity you love to recently?




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