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Any Good BG in Ka Nin Wah north point

Kin Lin Wah ** is good.  tall and age is in between 26-30.  Did you try before.  She is tall and okay to call her outside.


she is local.  Aroung $900 fo hj and $1,300 for 'big'


Right now, I would like to clarify everything here.  I am talking about KLW**.  The previous no. of HT** in KLW is called (( or @#.  PLease do not mix up.  KLW** has worked in "wong do" for a bit short time.  Right now, she is back to KLW.

She is tall which is around 5'8".  Age is around 26-28 and her face looks like the Miss Hong Kong "Lam Wing Han"  Okay to open 'big' at KLW.  My friend has asked her to work outside and paid 2K.  Service is excellence and the whole process likes the AV show.




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