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[上樓骨] 香B 8C6報告

I don't find her as pretty as many brothers feel although I admit that she is good looking too. Maybe it is very personal feeel.


Although I don't find her that pretty, but I do admit that her service is good. Especially that she seems to be quite knowledgable, eg in finance and economics. Looks like a walking encyclopaedia.


you can ask her to give your brother a full meal by paying more.


It depends on how much she likes you. May be little , may be a lot.


Does her skin look quite dark ?


I agree with you.
She is OK but really not that beautiful.
I wonder these men have not seen good-looking women for a long long time already.
There are many pretty girls in HB already.


I cannot quote any prettier USBs now because I have not gone out for a while.
But in 2 or 3 years ago, there were quite a few more prettier USBs in my eyes.
For example, Jennifer, Joe in Lap Shun, Lilly in Observatory Road.
These are ony my personal opinion.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.




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