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原帖由 愛田由 於 2008-9-26 12:40 發表

haha! 有, 咪就係我自己寫果d lor.
不過如果大家有傾講, 有互動, 當然好好多。

haha~ 最好叫IM99917兄再出個list,
大家分豬肉試晒佢, 一層層樓掃, 一 ...
I used to follow "Aida Yua" and IM99917 chings foot step only to visit USB. I can't said their suggestions is very good but never diappointed. At least they told the fact of the girls (or aunties).

Few days ago "sea" "food" "heng" and tried not to follow their suggestion. And visit 1x1 site and picked up a USB by myself. Result is I was so regret for my stupid move and totally felt my money loss.

Aida and 99917 ching's report is so valuable to me and all other brother who read this thread.


原帖由 愛田由 於 2008-10-6 11:27 發表

Hello~ Thank a lots for your believe.
Are you a new player for USB?
Following report is really a good choice to avoid loss money.
But sometimes Loss $$ is also a useful experience and more e ...
Yes, I am a new player for USB and 141. And I prefer visit USB more 'cause I like massage.

As I told in my entry before, I only follow you and 99917 list. So I don't want to repeat the report for the same USB again.

Only one time I not follow your list to patronize a USB in "Fook Lok" and got a big regret. For guy like me who live with tiger and aged late 30, waste money is not the most important (but still important). Sperm and Time are too expensive to waste. Do you agree?


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-10-6 21:07 發表

由兄, 那是因為你寫有趣精彩啊! 你寫過的囡囡我都很有一試的衝動!
就算這條thread的第一篇, 你介紹的嬸嬸Mimi, 我都好想去試, 只係遠左d!
而且好似唔見左廣告, 如果退下也是好事, 畢竟已經係嬸嬸啦!
Hello! IM99917, I also read you thread "The USB I would like to visit". I hope you and Adia's thread will never sink.

FYI, MIMI still working, she just cut her ad at miss1xx, but she still have ad in 16x.

But one thing I need to tell you about her is that she will not wear bikini to massage you like Aida said. The reason why Aida can enjoy such service because that day she wear the bikini and took a photo for her ad. After finished photo work she have a client visit so she just simply wear it to service him. I believe he was Aida because she said she never wear bikini to serve client except that occassion.

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-10-7 09:30 發表

謝謝師兄指路, 在6網見到美美的ad, 上圍依然咁勁!

佢唔著bikini, 唔通teo?

師兄試過佢, 掂唔掂? 上唔上得過? 有乜特色係由兄報告中沒有的?
No TEP la! She have 2 see-through dress in black and pink color. Even the BM part she still wear underpant. But she will keep upper naked after finish part 2 and massage your head until time is out. 90 minutes is enough. And she got some regular client (I also visit her 3 time in last 2 month) and so please make appointment with her because other room at the same floor is all 141 which means you can't find spare USB there.

In this thread, there are 2 reports for her. One is from Aida and other from Shadowbane. My feeling to her are more incline to Shadowbane. And my impression to her is quite good because she really don't mind which plan you select. Part 1 for me is 9/10 mark. The only thing to critize her part 1 skill is that she don't know step on back.

According to your reports I know your taste, and I believe she is Ok for you. And please teach her how to RPP if you visit her because she not that good in this part, even BM.


原帖由 kc816 於 2008-10-7 21:58 發表

C-Hing~ can you please send me 6網's website? a lot of thx~
Here you go


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-10-15 16:04 發表

唔算中女? 唔通你將佢UPGRADE做青春少女?

I guess she is mid-late 20, or early 30. But different people have different eye. Sometime the dressing will affect your judge.


I try "full package" plan from her. When she get dressed during the massage. I though that she is mid-late 20. But when I XX her, her figure and respond give me the feeling that she is little bit older than this age.

In fact, I don't like HJ plan and prefer BM more than ML. However she said she don't know BM. So I ordered ML.

What plan have you ordered?


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-10-16 11:53 發表

佢講BOBO, should be.

只係好神奇, Dup骨時後生D, 卜野時覺得大D.


Yes, I mean BOBO.

99 and Aida mentioned that she had a pink and black color dress. The day I visited she was dressed in light blue color and tide her hair up that made me feel her younger.

When she undressed and let her hair down on part 2. Suddenly look older. But it just my personal feeling. And I believe her age is near 30.


I have a question for Aida.

In the ad of 6H3 Coco, I didn't see the "bone bed" there. Can you tell me whether she has it or not?


原帖由 愛田由 於 2008-11-3 13:30 發表

大家都知小弟愛試新野, 甚少番食, 又唔多電話book。
去到門口, 當然有客啦, 冇客才不正常。惟有又四圍走走....見識好多野。
生意可能好差, 好多房已經沒有人氣。連6D8 ...
Foot Ada i

She have a tatto on her tits and I think she is the one you mentioned before. Now in in 3rd floor.


回復 399# 的帖子

I never go to FL before. In fact TST is not my place 'cause my tiger's friend usually around there. But after your description, I think it worth to visit.


原帖由 愛田由 於 2008-11-5 11:54 發表

正常良家婦女, 點估到FL上面有野?!
My record is bad,


Dear Jimsi and Aida, do you think Apple like Lai Gi?


回復 486# 的帖子

Same old question, how long is part 1? I know you never counting, just give a estimate answer.

If her figure can compare with 7H3, I think she got at least D-cup, right?


I bet it on Suki of 喜利 or Ada of Wah Fung, they also show her 絲襪 in AD. If my memory is correct, IM99917 also give a very good comment to Suki's part 2.


回復 546# 的帖子

Can you give us some hints like madinhj. So we can guess her in this thread while waiting your report.


原帖由 Im99917 於 2009-1-13 10:31 發表

由兄, 縮下範圍先啦, 咁廣, 點估呀?

個囡囡係唔係只做到hj和bm? 不做全套?
I think first question should be focus on district. Jordon?

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


原帖由 愛田由 於 2009-1-15 16:08 發表
6A8都可能不錯, 常有客。
6A1開過門....好惡, 要自殺可試。
3A1 相片好正!!!  第一試閘後備。
3A2 直覺時肥師奶, 自稱陀地, 查一查先。
10A1  又話陀地, 第二試閘後備

7B ...
Thanks for your report!

I tried 7B1 and 3A1.

When I was beginner to play USB. I search the girl at 1x1 site and 7B1 is classified as USB, not 141. When I stepped in her room and known that I made a mistake about this. Her face is acceptable but I know she must aged 4x by her eye wrinkle. Real big ball but with a strange tatoo at stomach that I think she want to cover her scar or something. Service is not bad that remind me "Ma Lam" girl but quite exaggerate in make love reaction. Her room is quite spacious with nearly 400 sf but the toilet is small and old. I know your taste according to your report, I don't think she can match your requirement.

She used to work in "Bowling" building which IM99917 mentioned in her thread page 1. Face is below average and not young. Figure just like the Ad's photo. Dup skill is 9/10. If she have a hand grip bar at the ceiling to step my back. I will give her 10/10. Price list in her AD is not complete. If my memory is correct, she had 45 mins Dup+ML = 300. And I pay 450 for 90 mins Dup + full package. Rpp, Ice+fire, BM, body kissing, ML all included but skill just average. One strange thing is she said you can grap and kiss her ball, but don't suck her 'lin' because she is so over reacted to this.Smoking is allowed. If you want to enjoy dup, she may be a good choice.

In fact I planned to visit that building again because a girl call 紫茹 who highly recommended by IM99917 are moved to there at 9C2.


原帖由 SCK1969 於 2009-1-21 10:09 發表
香B Co Co

You guy can refer page 4 of "我想造訪的USB" thread. Matt C-hing have several excellent reports to her.


原帖由 愛田由 於 2009-4-27 17:52 發表
汝洲街唯一有廣告囡囡 ---- 阿詩

手骨不錯, 也是她的唯一賣點。
樣貌, 不令人反感。
年齡, 一定唔細, 中女, 當然比上海街婆婆細好多。

特色是45分鐘, 160有交易。  多玩多俾~

眼見身材不錯, 衣著有型。


相關搜索目錄: 廣告





原帖由 愛田由 於 2009-4-30 11:43 發表

大家report少, 就自然少聲音~~



原帖由 愛田由 於 2009-11-23 15:56 發表 剛剛試過柏樹街Lisa, 樣子ok~ 不過都係中女  年紀一大..... 樣子ok都未必人人頂得住。我入去, 主因是她夠風騷。雙乳絕對有實力, 此乃第一買點。不過彈力, 當然不及少女。侍浴一流, 洗得乾乾淨淨 ...

但廣告話佢係141,咁你做乜plan? Dup+ML?

相關搜索目錄: 廣告




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