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[ÀÉ®×] "ºë" ·ù·| - ¦Ñ¤ÓºÊÂå°|¹C°O (Welcome any Âå°| report here)

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-9-29 10:29 µoªí
Great... Nice to you meet you brothers... but I guess I am much older than you la... haha
Who cares who is older...............? The most important is that you both share the same taste in choosing girls, then quarrels might appear, and having 3P game will be the only solution.


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-9-30 11:06 µoªí
You always can't forget about the MP project... ok... let's name a place and time.. then come to fk the hell with 5 man and 7 mm...
As long as I can be back by 5 pm at SZ on weekday, I always welcome the party!!


­ì©«¥Ñ jjchan218 ©ó 2008-9-30 11:53 µoªí

That is to say a half day leave (steal jump) will not suit you!
What a pity!!!!!!!!!
How to define "half day leave (steal jump)"?????


­ì©«¥Ñ Å]¹a®Q ©ó 2008-9-30 14:58 µoªí
it is okay for me if I leave at 1300 and back to hk by 1900
Mor Mor, ¦]¦í§Ú³ø¦T¤ñ¨§¨§ª¾..............


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-9-30 16:16 µoªí

铜»É¤@©w­ø会«H§A哋³ø嘅¦T ---------- ¦]¨C¦¸§Ú³£³Þ¨ìÊ\¹¡ ¤@¹¡¡A Ê\实­ø«H§Ú­«¦³³Ñ§E嘅¯à¤O¡I


­ì©«¥Ñ jjchan218 ©ó 2008-9-30 19:16 µoªí
Any guy received a SMS today from HW regarding the promotion and lucky draw during 1/10 to 3/10?
Not for me.............. is there anything special and worth us for a visit?


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-10-2 11:12 µoªí
even it is special... you still don't have time for today and tomorrow? right?
Remember, to Froggie, "Nothing is Impossible" and "Impossible is Nothing"!


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-10-2 11:26 µoªí
I am thinking to fulfill my dream next week in ­^°Ó... but still struggling...
¤S¥hÚ» "¦­³õ"...................?


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-10-2 15:52 µoªí
Froggie... it is not a normal morning visit...
How un-normal................? Please explain.


I envy you as you are so free to visit A City in such leisure manner!


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-10-10 14:23 µoªí
ËÝx¤jÁx¥X¤¤¤å³ø§i!!?? «}ÃP¾Ó¦n噃!!
I think his tiger is away,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and it is time for his ON project.


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-10-10 14:27 µoªí
Ê\´N·Q, ¥i±¤­ø«Y©O! Ê\Å¥¤é­n¥æ¤H!!

¸Ü®É¸Ü, ´Nºâ¦Ñªê¤£¦b¨­Ãä³£­n¤p¤ß¬°¤W, ©O«×ÀH®É¥i¥HÚ»µf¤@¨â¦~«eªº¤å§r!!
That is why we'd better have a new account with no clue relating to our real names!


¤p¤ß d §r¡A ¥S§Ì¡I

±¼¥H»´¤ß嘅¦ZªG¥i¤j¥i¤p¡A ©È§A¨ì®Éü­¨ü¤£¨Ó¡I


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