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回復 162# 的帖子

Never been to Eton Spa thoughI always have tea downstairs.  Is the place clean - towel shower?? I had tried those upstairs spa in TST like Bali.  I really don't see the value of spa packae ($498) vs massage package (298) as I usually just take $298 plus 202 tips (make it 500).

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 165# 的帖子

yes, that is my observation too.  As most brother said Bali is considered clean and neat but I guess they are still for from regular big sauna places which changes those towels more regularly and looks cleaner than there.  I had looked at their spa room, also not sure how frequent or thorough they clean the big bucket too.  So I would rather take the 298 package and enjoy the dub and vas if appropriate.  For Spa and bucket, I really prefer to do it myself at hotel or any club house rather than paying $200 and less dub from BGs as I will get dub (massage) through out the 90 minutes.

I think the owner may not like my comment here, it is really my opinion from a consumer standpoint.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 294# 的帖子

No.  Brother Whitekitty said someone wants to make people believe what he claims and use another user ID to echoed his earlier comment.




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