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我的 午间浪漫假期 

回復 #1 fatboyboy 的帖子

what is next and how was the date?


回復 #3 fatboyboy 的帖子

English is fine.  Thanks brothers - take yoru time though we are waiting....


回復 #7 fatboyboy 的帖子

good story and you know I OT tonight for your story.  It is really good.  Thanks again


回復 #20 fatboyboy 的帖子

on and off, we will come the edge of sinking.  I have several experience like this and the most current one is in Hong Kong which I tried to date the girl I met at TST Karaoke (North Mushroom Karaoke).  She looks great (charming and good figures) and does not smoke and only sit and play with you without outisde service.  I tried to call her to sit with me whenever I go Karaoke with my friends.  I called her, dine with her and watch movie with her .....  It is kind of fun but really time-consuming.  I am going to give it up soon.  Last time I got similar experience was 2 years ago in Beijing and last last time was 5 years ago from a girl I met at New Century Hotel Coffee shop (Shenzhen).  So on and off, we are tired of commercial experience and looks for some other fun (BUT NO SINKING) and then switch back to commercial again,  It is kind of fun and good looking back experience.

相關搜索目錄: Switch


回復 #29 fatboyboy 的帖子

Go ahead and date and dine with her, it is a game and as long as you are not sinking and pay her good, you does not owe her anything and could stop relationship anytime.  It is my rule that I will not cheat them and pay them wel0 (or least market rate) and I will feel less guilty anything happened in the future.


回復 #36 fatboyboy 的帖子

No problem.  Just keep going and be prepared to let go when times up or romance is over .....


回復 #41 fatboyboy 的帖子

I think Fatboyboy brother is an expert and from his words, he could manage this well.  Relationship like this is fine - she got $$$ and maybe some romance, brother are happy too - can afford $$$ and got some girl-friend feel besides family in HK.




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