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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)


回復 4448# 的帖子

oops. my old problem should be Eva .....


回復 4477# 的帖子

OPS HK and Windsor are more or less the same price though usually BG will expect a bit higher tips at OPS HK while I just treat them the same.  For special hour before 2:00pm, OPS HK is a bit cheaper $50 and for regular, there are more or less the same.  I will say both of them are not cheap but reasonable price for this service and BG quality... So I always visit these too though more for OPS HK due to support a BG friend there.  Also OPS HK food and facility are a bit better than Windsor in  my opinion.


回復 4603# 的帖子

yup, to me I will have some "gay" feeling if massaged by a guy.  Better by a lady.


回復 4889# 的帖子

Oilking C-Hing,

What shift is #82?  Thanks.


回復 4898# 的帖子

Haha, Thanks Oilking.

WhiteKitty C-Hing - you really a bug in my stomach!!!  Thanks.  I am Cinderella and need to be home before 12:00am.


回復 4948# 的帖子

is she the one with long hair and sweet smiles and now works at HK OPS as 美容師.  She looks very sweet and beautiful and nearly accept her invitation for facial if not already booked BG there and need to join dinner afterwards.

相關搜索目錄: 美容


回復 5384# 的帖子

early shift 公關? Miss E??  did not see her today.  Thought she is just off today.


回復 5394# 的帖子

you know where go? It is Ok if she does not want to be publicized.


回復 5479# 的帖子

go there during lunch or early afternoon is always nice as less crowded and relax and could chat with those PRs and waitress too.  Recently I found a SPA girl seems very sweet and she speaks mandarin most of time, anyone know here name??

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 5484# 的帖子

I never did Spa there.  I just sit at the second row and saw her talking to a local customer, the customer mandarin is terrible but her Mandarin is very accurate.  She is about 5 feet 4 inches tall, omega brown hair, looks like twins Ah Sa.  She usually stands around the seats near the the VIP room at the lounge area - usually for lady customers.  Just curious as she seems new to me though I seldom talk to other besides Miss E which had left.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 5486# 的帖子

thanks brother and will try to find out if she is Ada and let u know.


回復 5492# 的帖子

how is Ada's cantonese or she speaks mandarin more often?  From your description her Spa service is OK?  Thanks

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Yes, agreed that we should get BG agreement first before mentioning them on forum no matter it is for her good or her bad.  Even for good services or complement, some BGs really prefer low profile.


回復 5530# 的帖子

haha, snake?? Are you talking about food or something else???


回復 5551# 的帖子

I also don't like them now as too many people smoking at the waiting lounge.  They should try to have smoking group at least on the back of the lounge to minimize the smell.


回復 5601# 的帖子


有一段時間無去, 旱更有冇好介紹紹?


回復 5671# 的帖子

she is 救恩 .......


回復 5673# 的帖子

me too, please PM me.  Thanks a lot.


回復 5682# 的帖子

who is back to WIndsor?

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-11-28 07:39 編輯 ]


回復 5686# 的帖子

Brother, could you PM me too.  Thanks


回復 5694# 的帖子

dssdsdwsdw Brother,

Could u PM me too on the good thanks.  Thanks a million.


回復 5696# 的帖子

Good and thanks.


回復 5742# 的帖子

not sure if you are talking about the same !@# that I visited last year.  She is early shift 12:00pm, her massage is soft and so so only.  Maybe this !@# is a new one.  The !@# I tried on early 2012 and never marked her again.


回復 5745# 的帖子

for sure not a beauty for the one I met, so I feel better this is a new !@# as the one I mentioned is really not too good in terms of massage (too soft) and other criteria - but should be fair too that she is not too bad either, just not my cup of tea.


回復 5747# 的帖子

not that busy especially before 6pm.  Especially in the last 2 weeks after CNY, pretty quiet.  Good for me though.




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