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[桑拿浴室] 東方水匯桑拿(The Sauna and Spa)


回復 14# 的帖子

Brother, thanks a lot for your info and detail reports.  You are always the best.


回復 31# 的帖子

good news, so cheaper after 10pm and even cheaper after mid-night 12:00?  Thanks brother.


回復 72# 的帖子

WK C-Hing,

Could not find your list?  Is it just x8 that you mentioned at the beginning or I missed it somehow.


回復 74# 的帖子

OK, no wonder, I checked it several time and could not find.  I seldom go there for sauna but may go again tonight for Karaoke and may try their mid-night discount but your list is on early and mid-shift?  Could you send me if I decide to go before dinner tonight.  Thanks


回復 74# 的帖子

impressive.  You are so quick.  Got your list already.  Thanks


回復 79# 的帖子

Yes, tried too after recommendation by WK brothers though most of his suggestion were off already as I went around 11pm. Overall, very good decoloration and the rest room sofa and TV are the best I ever seen in HK.  One drawback is that at late night, sounds like not enough BGs to serve and I have to wait 45 minutes.  Besides, the bath areas and choice of shampoo and cleansing get are excellent, looks like individual pack rather than bulk pack refill like most other sauna.  Will definitely revisit soon.


回復 89# 的帖子

u just fancy as your favorite is still with VPS?  right.


回復 93# 的帖子

no wonder she is so hard to book and especially for me always last minute booking.  I met one of her sister as the new opposite sauna.


回復 98# 的帖子

yes, the price after 12 plus $200 tips is still 59x.  very good value for money, though a lot of time needs to wait for BGs


回復 96# 的帖子

I just sent but not sure if it was successful due to systems, let me know if you did not get my reply today/  Thanks


回復 108# 的帖子

just sent again and looks OK this time


回復 111# 的帖子

Brother WK,

You are really bone-king as everybody knows you by person.  Haha.


回復 326# 的帖子

>>  好懷念以前10:00及12:00的特價時段安排呀!

They do not have discount after 10pm and 12pm now???


回復 331# 的帖子

thanks brother.  Which means push the previous discount by an hour 11pm now instead 10pm before.




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