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回復 98# 的帖子

It happened to me once but I insisted paying her even she keeps on resisting.  At the end, I said just treated it as my gift to her and I never contact or visit her since then.  I have to be careful as I am married.  If you are not, I think u can continue with care.


回復 146# 的帖子


play smart ar and keep this sauna life 100% separate from your work and family.  never use real name and leave mobile phone and even company name to the part of world.  Then u can play safe and happy .....


回復 160# 的帖子

Brother must be a handsome guy as I never had such encountered and not dare to take it even I have.  I guess u are having massage at Mongkok areas and went to Park Kai hotel at SOy street near yaumatei?  are u at Wai Wah Building and which sauna?




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