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[桑拿浴室] 尖東薀莎水療

Tried 85, nice look and slim, long legs, dup skills good and also with good communication skill and enjoyable vas.  Also tried 90, look ok with nice big boobs, dup skill good and also with enjoyable vas.


Tried a new BG 7, tall and pretty with sexy voice, massasge skill good and with good vas, I will try her again.


原帖由 射精 於 2011-10-26 14:15 發表
其實30s都無所謂, 最緊要係樣子不要太差.

我前天第一次去, PR介紹左!%俾我, 樣子普通, 但有一招羅命就係按大脾筋, 攪到我下面扯到硬晒, 好鬼辛苦!

後尾佢同我講, 佢地個個都識厘一招.

重有就係有無chin ...
This is a veg sauna, I have vas but not mean you have the same, so don't think too much la, anyway & and !)* are pretty BGs and have good massage skills.


原帖由 itab 於 2011-11-11 20:10 發表
只睇唔過眼,代抱不平, 佢睇人唔顺眼
就可以跳人牌,唔比人開工, 起机嘅就做
四五轉, 唔同客起机就生存唔到,
I don,t think this would happen and this is a veg sauna, I met a very pretty new BG last month, she was even not allowed you to touch her legs and she did 4 to 5 rounds a day, and at last she feels not suitable for this industry then left!!  So, it is really depends on the BGs could attract the clients mark her again.


原帖由 super123123 於 2011-11-24 23:39 發表
Tried one of the latest popular girl *
Local, look cute with big eyes, very love to "chat"
Quite smart as feeling different with local BG
"同聲同氣 & 無悶場"
Soft dup and 有心機
For chating is ok, but no VAS!! for massage skills, new BGs !@, @) and ^* much better




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