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原帖由 def_lo 於 2009-11-22 23:01 發表

Well, then treat it as a dinner gathering with a friend.
Will you give your friend any money for having dinner with you?
Of course, if you will have sex with her after the dinner, then it may be ...
Agree!  For dinner no need to pay her no matter you treat her as friend or BG.  Of course you need to pay the rest after dinning.

If you ML with her after dinner or during her working hours, I suggest you to pay at the first time unless she refused to accept.  All BGs are working for money & money is their incentive.


Hotel60 CHing,

You better ask the girl what she is expected.  Money or love!

I have twice such experience for sharing, one sucessful & one failure.  Both girls claimed the reason to be USB is due to difficulty of finding a proper job in HK. The sucessful one (now became my very good friend) listen to my advice, gave up her USB career a year ago & went to study tour escort (I support the study & examination fees).  After obtaining the tour escort license, she is now working in a tourist company earning very low & unstable income (around $4-6k per month on average).  You can imagine how bad/tough the conditions comparing to the average income of a not so "hot" usb (around $1XXXXX - 2XXXX).  Despite this, she told me she is very happy at present & don't want to go back to the olden days.

The uncessful case (the one I am still sunken), after hearing my advice had tried several attempts to find a proper job.  After learning the average salary is 5K to 6K, she abandon the thought & now still working as USB.

My other advice is - don't step in and pull out your leg if you havn't start yet!  Good Luck La!


Fully agree!  Thanks for the reply.




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